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Landvik Academy RPG

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[30 May 2013|08:57pm]

I'm still healing, but I can get more work done now than I could just two weeks ago. I have taken some time off to see some movies. The new Star Trek left me with some manly feels. I don't want to run my mouth about that movie too much or I'll spoil everyone. Feel free to come to the lab to talk to me about it. I'm never too busy to talk Star Trek. I think I'm waiting for Superman, but I'm not sure. He's never been my favorite superhero... Don't kill me...

Now this is going to make me seem like a wuss, but would anyone like to go out with me at night? Um, Bradley, don't say that. You will sound like wuss in front of everyone.

I...don't know what to say anymore, so I'll end with ---> Hope everyone's doing okay.

[30 May 2013|01:49pm]

[Filter: friends and coworkers]
One of my donors has been poking me to have company over like I use to back home, so I am thinking of having a dinner if any of you are interested. All species welcome, of course. And any concerns can be dealt with.

kara : 002. [30 May 2013|10:34am]
Christ, this homicide out in Tromsø. Woman can't tell us damn near anything about what compelled her to just up and murder this asshole, and of course nobody's saying shit around her. July, feel like doing some digging into past cases of glamour-homicide?

How are you lot managing? I hear that beauty queen case is a real fucking riot.

[30 May 2013|09:40am]

I do love how bones can never lie. How disappointing that people are not the same.

[FILTER: Forensics]
So many murders this time around.
[FILTER: Vampires]
If you ask me, Yitterdal only got what he was asking for. But the bad press is not good.

14* [29 May 2013|09:04pm]

[ mood | calm ]

To all those here who are in possession of a motorcycle, or anyone who would like a ride, I am considering taking a day trip next weekend. Would anyone like to join me? Robbie, you might be able to fit in my side-bag in your shifted form.

[ filter; elva ]
When shall we begin your sparring sessions?

in which morgan suffers from feels. [29 May 2013|04:03pm]


[ filter; private ]
If I could ship you back to Melbourne, I would. I would put you in a cage, seal you up, and ensure you never returned. What you're making me, making her, feel makes me sick to the stomach. And the longer you're here, the more I'll feel, and these human emotions are

I thought I was stronger than this. Don't make me regret this body even more.

[ filter; absalom ]
Why are you impossible to despise?

[ filter; ronnie ]
I have something to return to you, birdie.

s i x. [28 May 2013|11:15pm]


Out of curiosity, how many of you can actually understand some Norwegian? Does it all sound like gibberish to you, or have some of you caught on to the language over the years?

[ filter; lachlan ]
Thanks for letting me steal the foot of your bed at night. I can't do my own bed right now. Not alone.

And I can't ask you to cuddle me at night because our platonic friendship will get super weird. Does it weird you out? Are you just being polite with me because you're that kind of guy but you actually wish I'd fuck off and sleep in my own bed? How far does our friendship go that you'd let your shifting roommate press up against you because he just wants to know you're there and alive and not going anywhere because he's too fucking dumb to protect his own sister from being killed?

You're a good friend, and I'm just the creepiest roommate ever.

semicolon [28 May 2013|10:56pm]

[ mood | embarrassed ]
[ music | the lonely island ]

In case anyone was wondering; which I doubt you were; the weirdest thing about getting a broken jaw unwired is getting used to chewing and speaking again. The doctor gave me some exercise to do to help make my jaw feel less tight, but I feel really silly doing them. I apologize to anyone in Forensics who thought I was making faces when I got back from my appointment, I swear those were not aimed at anyone in particular.

Also, I think my body grew way too used to the liquid diet, since despite my best efforts I haven't been able to eat anything substantial even though I've still been cooking like a maniac. It's all good, I needed to lose like five more pounds anyway.

[ filter; friends ]
So.. who wants to help me celebrate being all healed? I'm up for anything, seriously.

[ filter; sasha ]
Thank you for the gifts, I appreciated them. When would you like to resume your cooking lessons?

[ filter; tyler ]
I heard about your car, is everything else alright?

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