Landvik Academy RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Landvik Academy RPG

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five. [17 May 2013|02:59am]
I think the humans' god made Boston Cream Pie for me. I'm sorry if you thought it was for you but it really was for me. I also want to work again soon. Maybe after my brain is more calm from having recovered. Seriously, being well just made me SPAZ big time internally (I'm classy like that, OK). It just felt so amazing and good and

Yeah. Yeah, I'm thrilled to feel like me again. I'll do some work from where I am right now because IDK why I'm not leaving, I bet I could but I don't really want to AM I A LEECH? but it'll be slow.

[ filter: faeries ]

MY BABIES. Are we doing better? Healthier? Stronger? Who do I have to pull against my cushiony bosom and make feel better? I haven't pulled anyone near and dear for a WHILE. Just give me a reason to, quick!

13* [17 May 2013|08:17pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]

Work seems to be humming along, my partner and I have been working a rather fascinating case. It's good to have someone I can trust working with me, I appreciate Kayla's eye for detail and her charming stories. In fact, I have somehow gotten accustomed to her presence in a way that I hadn't expected to as I've grown used to working alone. It's... interesting.

I was becoming frustrated by my lack of transportation, so I got myself a little something. Otherwise, I do hope everyone is healing well and things are getting back to standard.

[17 May 2013|11:33pm]
angels really do the darndest things.

nothing makes me laugh more than my job, i swear. all giggles over here.

[ viewing | May 17th, 2013 ]
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