Landvik Academy RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Landvik Academy RPG

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one. [18 Apr 2013|10:28am]
Papa always did say "Elena, trouble shows up all around you, you damned girl". Oh~ and also "too many exclamation marks means nothing good". He sometimes used too many. And caps locks.

How many of you are ready to pack your bags to see the place close and, via that action, protect others? Or are you prepared to fight the threat, even if you're we're clueless still about what the threat really is? Yes, I'm staying. I have a package arriving next week and I don't want to miss that. I don't run from battle. Very cowardly to do otherwise. It's the sort of thing you showed be flogged for.

But you know. No pressure. ♥

[18 Apr 2013|11:47am]
some funny pages today.

i swear to shit the newspapers around here will print anything. write a letter while being a complete tryhard psychotic, and you're in.

for the record, this trying to be poetic thing while threatening to kill people? yeah. sick of that. sick to death.

planning on staying, blossom?

i have a question. amuse me with the answer, would you?


if you run away, it'll be pretty lame around here.

carry on [18 Apr 2013|11:56am]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | fun. ]

Another day, another threat, with the closing of the academy as the only end in sight? I can't be the only person who saw this latest letter and then went to work like it was just an ordinary day, right? I mean yes, it's kind of scary, and I certainly don't want anything to happen to anyone else, but we have jobs to do. I know we in Forensics still have a lot to go through from the last crime scene, and were much too close to give up now.

Besides, where I'm from we don't just run away when someone threatens our livelihood, and I doubt people would be here if they didn't feel our continued survival was something worth fighting for.

[ filter; friends ]
Hey... who wants to help me learn some self-defense?

[ filter; tyler ]
Gideon called, wanted me to check on you, so... how's things?

[18 Apr 2013|01:16pm]

We've been partnered. I figured I'd say hello. I'm Prince Jaimie.

ninth of july. [18 Apr 2013|01:21pm]
This is what I have to say to you, letter:



8. [18 Apr 2013|03:04pm]
[ mood | worried ]

Not for nothing, I think someone should have a word with the local newspaper about their content, I mean they really shouldn't print things like that. Still, I wonder if they'd be willing to provide the source (or sources), if we visited with a warrant.

[18 Apr 2013|08:55pm]
Roses are red
Violets are blue
This crap is annoying me
What about you?

Look, I've been creative! I could totally write bad poetry for our little jokers, too.

[Filter: Maxie]

Three words: Hipster. English. Degree.

[ viewing | April 18th, 2013 ]
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