Landvik Academy RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Landvik Academy RPG

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[26 Mar 2013|12:48am]
[ mood | aggravated ]

swears. )

i have no words.

that being said, if you're going to bother me, make it work-related.

morgan )

three. [26 Mar 2013|01:49am]
[ filter: private ]

I wonder if he's still in the hospital. I should visit. Or maybe I'll wait for him in his house. Where the fuck does he live? No, I might get in trouble over that and the if Juliette hears...ugh.

Maybe a hospital visit after all. Let's see if there's a hole I stick my finger in to make him squeal.

[ filter: public ]

While we wait on hearing about what happened with that mission, what's going on with the activists who went missing? Am I going to have to end up going out with a Cleanser?

[ filter: vienne ]

Daaarling, we should do lunch.

[26 Mar 2013|11:54am]
Rhys! I'm taking you out for your birthday! Pick a place!

[26 Mar 2013|11:11pm]
Delivered to Rhys )

[ viewing | March 26th, 2013 ]
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