Landvik Academy RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Landvik Academy RPG

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[15 Mar 2013|01:26am]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | head over feet - alanis morrisette ]


You've already won me over in spite of me
And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault

[15 Mar 2013|02:14pm]
To Dylan:

the fourth swipe. [15 Mar 2013|02:37pm]
[ filter; everyone involved in trial ]
Anyone else notice the shit happening in Vinter didn't extend to Tromsø?

[ filter; esther ]
Don't crawl into my place while I'm out of
Fuck it she would anyway

[15 Mar 2013|03:04pm]
So everyone knows where they're at. )

Also I think a St. Paddy's day celebration is in order! PARTY AT THE PUP AND WOLF RESIDENCE!

can't fight this feeling anymore [15 Mar 2013|09:00pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | r.e.o speedwagon ]

i'm really sad, but i don't want to be sad, i want to be happy. i mean i was happy, like really happy, hanging out at evan's making pizza and listening to music and just having fun but then i heard a song that reminded me of my mom and that made me sad so to try and cheer myself up i checked the netowrk and saw that my creeptastic roomie has been licking stuff and that made me feel grody so i went and washed some dishes soevan and his roommates wouldn't have to and i took off my charm bracelet so it wouldn't get all gungy, the one my dad gave me when i turned sixteen that had belonged to my mom and isw the only thing i have left to remember her by, and nowit's gone so now i'm all sad again. it'll be six years later this month and ifmy dad finds out i lost this bracelet he's gonna freak... i'm pretty sure he mifht kill me.

i was goinna go home cause i didn't wanna bea downer to evan, but i couldn't remember which way my apartment is. now rasis probably licking more stuff and sleepingin my bed and i really want a hug. this made me laugh though, becauseit was mom and dad's song, but my laughter is a sad laughter/

(not cut icly) )

[ viewing | March 15th, 2013 ]
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