Landvik Academy RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Landvik Academy RPG

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[24 Feb 2013|09:42pm]
I must sleep to have nightmares, right? That's how it works? I wish I didn't.
Krupin suggested that I write down my dreams, but writing them down won't help if I am the only one that sees them. I mean, how would be a researcher work if we didn't see work written by others.

The latest one was not like so many of my others... Instead of their faces covered with ash and flames licking the soft crying faces. I dreamt of two dancers on a black stage. The start by sitting next to each other though one had their back toward me. Low music started playing and as one began to move the other shifted elegantly to block her. Every time she would move away the other would grab a hold of her somehow. The back and forth of the escape and capture happened across the stage. Then when the other moved its limbs and the girl moved the same like it had taken control. She being its puppet. Finally she breaks free, leaving the other on the ground. It grasps at her leg trying one last time, but the girl has the control finally. The dance ends as the light fades and they return to the positions they started in.

[ viewing | February 24th, 2013 ]
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