Landvik Academy RPG's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Landvik Academy RPG

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[08 Feb 2013|12:20am]
[Private to self:]
Huh. Apparently I've missed my birthday...

[Filtered to Kathrine:]
Do you want to celebrate my birthday with me? It's been last week already, but I thought spending some time together would be nice.
[/ Filters]

I haven't heard anything new about the murders, but I'm sure it will happen again. This person has killed twice already and without any progress on our side, nothing will stop him.

[08 Feb 2013|10:59pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

thousands of years of existence,

currently spending it staring at this stupid thing,
or hovering over the phone.

love it.

ooh, baby.

[ viewing | February 8th, 2013 ]
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