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Apr. 29th, 2009



There are lots of personal things in there. Anyone want their character to find it? Actually, a few people could find it and just not pick it up if more than one person wants to. LET ME KNOW.


Apr. 14th, 2009


good news! I'm back. after I had a REAAAAAALLY long nap! (And I missed something big...damn...)


Mar. 28th, 2009


Hello everyone, this is Chele/Demetria and sadly this won't be a happy post. :[

Due to serious issues with my family, I've decided that 6 games is really going to be hard for me to keep up on and eventually I will be taking a hiatus and since I don't know when and how long that's going to be I've decided that I should only stick to two games for a while. Sadly this game is one of the ones I decided to leave. Please believe me when I say it's nothing against this game at all whatsoever.

I hope soon that I'll be able to handle everything and I hope I'll get to come back.

I wish the game the best of luck.


Mar. 26th, 2009



Hi everyone. I'm not going to be around today. It's my graduation ceremony! I have to prepare and all so I won't be able to stay and play. I'll be back tomorrow though! See you guys then. :)
~ Felicisima

Mar. 20th, 2009


Hey everyone, it's Sara with character number 4! And it's a boy!

This is Blake Alderton, he's a fifth year Hufflepuff. His grandfather was arrested during the war for "stealing" magic. Because of this Blake's father is a very big Blood Equality Activist, he also works for the Ministry in Magical Transportation. His mother owns a bakery in London that makes very expensive wedding cakes.

Blake is a big goof and loves being the center of attention. He'll do almost anything to get a laugh or get noticed. He loves fake magic and slight of hand and will do card tricks to impress people. He loves flirting with the ladies, but in a cheesy way that gets them to laugh. He has trouble being serious a lot of the time.

Friends? Enemies? Ladies for him to use pick up lines on?

Mar. 19th, 2009


Hey everyone! Chele here! Have a couple quick things I wanted to let everyone know about. :]

First off, as you can see I changed the face of Demetria to Alexis Dziena because Alyson, I feel didn't fit Demetria right. I totally heart Alexis and I'm pretty happy that I get to use her as a pb again. I miss you Gilly.

Second! I really hate to nag people about this but only one person has left a comment on the intro post I made for Demetria and she really needs plot. She's made three entries already and last I checked no one's replied to any of them. I tried to see if I can catch a few people but I've been reading character info first to see if there could be anything to go off of but it'd be really helpful if a few could look at hers and tell me if your character would like her or not.

Again, sorry if I'm nagging. :[



Hi guys!

Sorry for disappearing on y'all. It's my spring break, and I've been camping for the past few days. I realized on the drive home I completely forgot to put up a notice, so sorry about that! I'm going to go play catch-up now. If there's anything specific I missed/a thread I'm in with you, let me know so I don't forget!




Mar. 18th, 2009


Hey guys, I have been sick for like two days. I dunno when I'll come back to life, but it won't be today, I have a shitload of homework. I am dying here. But I'll be back soon, promise!

-Bijou (William and Brianna)

Mar. 12th, 2009


quoth the raven, "nevermore." (and hit the button, too.)

Hey again guys, it's Bijou again! (Remember, I play William Graves?) I have taken up Brianna Montague, 7th year Slytherin Prefect. She goes by Brimont, which Feli thinks is weird, but Terri and I like it, so!

I call Brianna 'Mother Slytherin.' She takes care of her house. And her PB is Taylor Swift, who is sweet and nice, so Brianna should be too, right? Nahh. Brianna is a very amiable Slytherin girl, she's very nice, but she is truly with her house, but instead of being the Pansy Queen Bee of Slytherin Girls, Brianna is the female Godfather of the boys. That's why I call her Mother Slytherin! She has motherlike qualities thanks to her mother, so to sum her up, picture her making biscuits for the Slytherin quidditch team, and while they're eating they roll out handdrawn blueprints of Hogwarts during Brianna's prefect rounds and they pick a place to beat up a mouthy Hufflepuff. That's her. She's very two faced, but she's not outwardly mean. She's ladylike and easygoing, but she has a ferocious temper. That's what makes her the way she is.

So, she's going to have a million guy friends. Of course she needs a female counterpart, but most of her friends will be boys. She talks to them because she finds them less complicated than girls. (And she most likely is very unhappy with Adam and Westly, and takes the side of Evan in that matter.) Anyhow. By the way, somebody should totally play Baxton, Brianna's little brother. She's very protective of him. Anyway, comment and tell me about how people would be towards Brianna. But don't expect them to know about how she is any other sense than that she's a very civil Prefect. She associates, it's what gets her ahead.

Mar. 8th, 2009



Just some clarification on the Westly/Adam scenario.

Although nothing has been confirmed by the Puceys, word is definitely spreading that Adam was the boy who left with Westly at the wedding at that he's being disowned for it.

Evan's drunken tirades probably assisted with that. XD

So people should have heard, though it's up to them whether or not they believe it. Course, if they've seen Evan lately, I'd think it's pretty obvious.


Mar. 6th, 2009


two new kids!

Hello peeps! It is I, Felicisima, adding a dash of Jessica Vaisey and a pinch of Dwight Chambers into this mix. x}

Jessica Vaisey
She's in her 6th year in Slytherin. A pureblood. Her family isn't part of the upper circles- they're more upper middle class so those within the upper classes look down on their clan. Her mother tries very hard to keep her family visible in the social radar, and unfortunately, Jessica gets dragged into the whole thing. She's really not into it, but does it with a smile on her face to please her mother. She likes her happy, even though what she does makes it difficult for her to socialize with the heirs of her mother's "friends". When she was younger, she likes hiding under the tables until the parties were over so her mother wouldn't catch her that she's removed her make-up.

Mostly, she's very ambitious and aspires to be a Potions Master someday. She's mostly quiet and has a strange habit of opening a book in the middle of a convo. A bit flighty, she doesn't like to talk a lot but her silence can be comforting company. Having lived in such an unconventional home, where love isn't openly expressed, she dreams of finding love someday. Also, she's pretty fragile. The slightest drop of temperature would give her colds and the sniffles. She's a fiercely loyal friend and because she doesn't have a lot of them, she treasures them all. Rest of her info can be found here.

I am up for anything for her. Friends? We'd love friends. Anyone want to bully her is free to do so, too. ANYTHING! THROW ME ANYTHING. ~<3

Dwight Chambers

6th year, Ravenclaw. Halfblood. There's nothing quiet or meek about this boy- he's a bomb just waiting to explode. He is fearlessly eccentric, and highly spontaneous. He just likes going with the flow. A bit reckless, he acts on impulses without realy thinking about them when he's bored, which leads to a LOT of mischevious stunts and detentions. Somehow, he likes getting into trouble- it gives him something to do. He likes doing very random things and bug his friends... out of love. ~<3

The most interesting fact about him is that he's a Metamorphmagi. Some lady in his mother's line was once one, too, but in his direct family he's the only one. His appearance constantly changes, particularly his hair and the color of his eyes. After years of practice too, he can also turn into anyone he wants to. Cool trick, huh? He likes keeping things interesting, obviously. lol. Oh, and he's that announcer for Ravenclaw during the games who curses a lot. :} Info ---> HERE.

SO. I would love anything for Dwight. He likes people, too, especially when they ask him to change his appearance. He likes the attention though he does hide it well. Friends, enemies ANYTHING!

I am felicisimaa @ AIM if anyone wants to plot!!!

Mar. 1st, 2009



Hi! I'm Bijou, and I'm new, and I was referred by Feli. I am bringing you William Graves! This is what you need to know:

His name is William Felix Atticus Kirley Graves. William's father is Merton Graves, and he is trying to stuff the rock-star quota down William's throat. And William is a Ravenclaw, and all he wants to do is read. So he resents his father. William is a little scientist really, and he owns many pets since he's filthy rich, though one wouldn't know just by looking at him. William has no ties to money, just his research. So, he has 33 pets. He has three parakeets, four cockatiels, two cats, a dog, a hamster, a guinea pig, a piglet, a weasel, six albino mice, a gerbil, a toad, a salamander, two rabbits, a hedgehog, three turtles, a puffeskein, a pigmy puff, a bottle python and a chimp. And yes, he has names for them all. His mother buys him all his animals, and he tests things on them. So if one of your kids is an activist, I definitely want plot. Oh, but Merton bought the Chimp. So William will be making entries about his animals and he'll be stating random names. I have all the names in his profile. It's a really interesting read. But if you want more insight, just scroll down and read the samples. They really show who he is. (Really, you should.)

Okay so, William has a second side, whereas he has a fierce temper thanks to his father. He smashed a cello because his father wouldn't let him stop playing, and in his mind he is a hero, and he wishes he was in Gryffindor. Lets see. William also hates music thanks to him...and William really needs friends! I thought it would be so interesting if he had a troupe of friends who were nothing like him but challenged him in every aspect. And he needs a girl to secretly idolize but of course if the affection is not returned that doesn't matter, because drama in roleplay is great! Got the girl!

That's it! If you want to plot or say hello, comment here, or IM me by your dark mark.



So, Scorpius and Avalon's wedding should have happened yesterday. My bad. But if anyone wants any plot there, you can backdate your threads, since I know Elena has some stuff going on and yadda yadda. :D

Feb. 25th, 2009


It's Sara again with full character #3!

This is Sadie Weasley, oldest child of Percy and Penelope Weasley. She's a few minutes older than her twin brother, and she's the only girl in the family. She's a 7th year Hufflepuff and she's also Headgirl. She's a lot like her father, but a less annoying version. She's an obsessive neat freak, extremely hard working, and loves to study. She's a lot more mellow than her father though and just like pushing her personality traits on other people. Although she won't make other people be neat, she might clean for you while you're out of the room. She's very accepting of people and likes people to be themselves. She's a very good listen and likes helping people their problems, but she won't fix it for you.

Unlike her cousins she doesn't enjoy breaking rules and pulling pranks. She feels you can have much more fun if you aren't worried about getting in trouble for it. She's not super strict about everything being perfect though, and as Headgirl she only punishes for things that are actually rules. She's super klutzy and can't play Quidditch to save her life. She loves retro clothing and language and wears a pair of catseye glasses for reading.

She needs friends, her family, and maybe a boy for her to like or to like her.

Feb. 15th, 2009


Chase has a new face! He's grown up a bit, but he's still the same Chase we all know and love. Just...Cody Linley looking now, haha

Feb. 9th, 2009


Pimping. It's my Shakespeare game. PLEASE LOOK!!! )

Feb. 3rd, 2009


Hi team. Just a note to say Isabella's PB is changing!

Over the summer, Kaida teaches her how to put make-up on, and she grows up a bit physically, but she's still every bit as shy. Don't let her grown-up-ness fool you! :D

Feb. 2nd, 2009


Hi guys :D

Ashley here with a new kidlet, Cormac McLaggen Jr. PBed by Mr. William Moseley.

He's about to be a seventh year Ravenclaw and older brother to Gwen McLaggen. And I'm going to copy and paste his personality because I am teh lazy.

Cormac is, much to his chagrin, not a very outgoing person. Socially awkward is probably the best way to describe him. He isn’t very good at starting conversations, especially with members of the opposite sex, which makes befriending people considerably difficult. It’s not that he doesn’t want to say something; he just can’t bring himself to because he is far too busy over-analyzing everything he might say. After his chance has passed, of course, he’ll know exactly what he should have said, but it’s always too late for that.

If anyone is ever patient enough to pull him out of his box, they would realize Cormac is a good guy. He cares deeply for his friends and his family, and genuinely wants the best for them. As being sorted into the Ravenclaw house would suggest, he is very intelligent, though some might suspect otherwise from the way he speaks, stumbling over his words and constantly attempting to amend his ideas. He is creative and artistic, and plays the guitar quite well. Music is an outlet of his, though he tends to only play for his sister and close friends.

Cormac claims to hate playing sports- though he secretly enjoys the rare times he does play- because he is absolutely awful at them. The boy is completely uncoordinated, and could even be called clumsy. Quidditch, obviously, was never an option, since his klutziness could get himself, and quite probably others, killed.


Feel free to ping me at JustALittleOff01 if you don't want to post here. :]

Jan. 14th, 2009


I'M BACK! Sorry, I kinda died. Apparently my mother doesn't believe that my semester break is for relaxing, plus I got sick like 3 times. I need to do stuff with my kids please! But I'm back!

(Thena, Anna, Lily, Dylan, and Christabeth)

Dec. 11th, 2008


Hey everyone. I'm sorry that I'm doing this but I feel it's time that I leave the game. I haven't done much with Samantha and Helena for a while now and it's getting to the point where I'm updating them before I have to be active rather than I'm wanting to play. I do love these girls and everyone here, so don't think its because of you guys. <3

I love the game and wish it luck!

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