September 27th, 2009

[info]amandina in [info]landing_ooc

hi everyone, this is lola who plays amanda weasley. i admit that i am terribly guilty of falling into the real life trap since i got back to school and have horribly been neglecting you all in favour of women, drink, and academia (and knitting while i watch heroes D:). i'm so sorry! but now that i am all settled into my dorm and have gotten in the swing of things, can someone dearly do me the honours of catching me up?

also if anyone wants to plot please im me at windcamedown on im or email me at!

[info]badgerzoe in [info]landing_ooc


Just to be blunt as possible, anyone bored with their characters and want to do something? I'm really not caring how crazy it is. Zoe needs to be opened up to new things. Dominique is bored. And... well Liam can't hide in the Ravenclaw dormitory forever. :)

I haven't seen many people on AIM lately, as I've been sketchy on it, so I thought I would try here.
