August 9th, 2009

[info]slytherhiggs in [info]landing_ooc


Hey everyone. This is Anne, and I'm introducing my third character Tanner Higgs. He's a 6th year, Slytherin, and a pureblood. He is of the pureblood persuasion that thinks he is a notch above the rest simply by being pureblood, but he is intrigued by talented or well-connected individuals that aren't pureblood. He tries to make them balance, but it doesn't always work, not even in his own head. He's a very rational person, and tries to have an analytical reason for everything he does. If annoyed he can be quite cynical and at times abrassive, so watch for that, haha. Also, he's a Chaser, and his dad owns the Nimbus broom line. He's not really the heartbreaker type as he's very choosy about girls.

So, any plotting or planning of any sort is welcome. Friends? Enemies? Exes? Current interests? Distant relatives? Really... anything is good.

Feel free to IM me at lespommesau or email me at