July 20th, 2009

[info]nymphaxeno in [info]landing_ooc

I know I'm a day or two late.
But do you lot still want to do the Party thread? D:

[info]ryslopes in [info]landing_ooc

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm back. I will be updating soon but I wanted to make sure that I'm aware of anything major that happened in the game that my character would know about. Just so I'm up to speed and on the same page as everyone.

Ryleigh is also up for grabs if anyone wants to do a little random threading. I don't think I've had a chance to thread with her yet so I'll try to come up with an idea for her, or just post an open one. But if anyone has anything they want to do, don't hesitate to talk to me! :D

Thanks very much!
