June 1st, 2009

[info]ryslopes in [info]landing_ooc

Hello everyone! I'm Chele, yes I'm back, thanks to the oh so loving and forgiving mods! I'm here with Ryleigh Sloper!

Ryleigh or Ry, whichever you prefer is a 6th year Ravenclaw. All of her information is up so feel free to check that out. A little about her, she's very bright and mostly positive gal. Loves to work hard and she does try to multitask but she's not particularly good at it. Mostly because she tends to take on a lot of projects at once and it just doesn't end well with her. She tries to work on it though. She can get very easily frustrated but it's more towards herself, she definitely has high expectations from her parents and from herself. She feels that she should be able to get things right if not the first time than at least the second or third. A funny little quirk is that she exaggerates a lot of her feelings. Tends to makes things out worse than they are or get super excited over something that's not all that exciting. Half the time she doesn't realize she did it until someone tells her or if she has a chance to think back on it.

I promise you, she's very sweet and friendly. Not really all the shy, she doesn't mind talking to people but she doesn't like to be the center of attention and she'd like to add to not stare at her! Of course it's okay if you're talking to her but she absolutely hates it when people stare at her with silence. Her brothers do it all the time to annoy her and it just makes her extremely uncomfortable. :D

Um, I think that's it! She definitely would LOVE some plot!