May 13th, 2009

[info]tysummersmith in [info]landing_ooc

Hallo, friends. Feli here with two more characters here: Ty Smith and Dante Macmillan.


Ty is Dean's brother, a 6th year Gryffindor in Hoggywarts at the mo. I'm so glad Jules has already made the summary for their parents' history 'cause it means I don't have to do it as thoroughly. lol. But just in case, ok, so Ty has two male parents (Zach and Jacob), then has a mother who carried him (as Jacob's son) when he was a baby. Then he has his brother Dean, whom he loves as much as he hates. They hardly ever get along, 'cause Dean always picks on him. Other than that, he has a good relationship with his folks (And the Bletchley's 'cause they are sooo like family).

Ty likes... simple things. Since his life is a web of one odd relationship after another, anything too complicated freaks him out. He is a creature of habit, and he doesn't seem to handle sudden changes quite well. He's likes the silence as much as he does talking to people. He has a gorgeous singing voice and plays instruments, the guitar being his favorite; he would really like to get together a band soon. And he plays Seeker for Gryffindor. His info is in his journal, if anyone wants to get to know him more. :}



And Dante Macmillan is your resident Head Boy. He's currently in his 7th year in Ravenclaw. He's one of the more lax, go-with-the-flow sort of Head Boys, not too strict or tight-arsed but still someone you shouldn't cross. He is quite irritatingly charming that you can't really help but like him. He's smart and he makes it appear like it's all natural, but no one really sees how hard he works for things. He likes keeping up the illusion of perfection, even if he knows he's not. He's driven, athletic and competitive. He plays Quidditch, too. The Beater for Ravenclaw (I mean look at those arms, YHALLOTHARTaylor Kitsch). Anyway. I am horrible at these things, so take a look at his info if you want to know him properly.

I'm still at felicisimaa on AIm for plottage! <33

[info]nisha_g in [info]landing_ooc

This is Sara with my last character, for sure this time.

This is Nisha Goldstein, eldest child of Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil. She's crazy personality wise. She's a complete drama queen and wants everything in her life to be big and exciting. She overreacts a lot and gets loud and excited all the time. She loves to flirt with all the boys and goes through them quickly. She dumps guys a lot, but hates being dumped. She wants to be a Bollywood star when she's out of school and is always practicing her singing, dancing, and acting. She's also cousins with Ozzie. And she can belly dance for all the lads out there.

She needs friends, enemies, lots lots lots of ex-boyfriends. And guys with her to flirt with.