March 6th, 2009

[info]alrightdwight in [info]landing_ooc

two new kids!

Hello peeps! It is I, Felicisima, adding a dash of Jessica Vaisey and a pinch of Dwight Chambers into this mix. x}

Jessica Vaisey
She's in her 6th year in Slytherin. A pureblood. Her family isn't part of the upper circles- they're more upper middle class so those within the upper classes look down on their clan. Her mother tries very hard to keep her family visible in the social radar, and unfortunately, Jessica gets dragged into the whole thing. She's really not into it, but does it with a smile on her face to please her mother. She likes her happy, even though what she does makes it difficult for her to socialize with the heirs of her mother's "friends". When she was younger, she likes hiding under the tables until the parties were over so her mother wouldn't catch her that she's removed her make-up.

Mostly, she's very ambitious and aspires to be a Potions Master someday. She's mostly quiet and has a strange habit of opening a book in the middle of a convo. A bit flighty, she doesn't like to talk a lot but her silence can be comforting company. Having lived in such an unconventional home, where love isn't openly expressed, she dreams of finding love someday. Also, she's pretty fragile. The slightest drop of temperature would give her colds and the sniffles. She's a fiercely loyal friend and because she doesn't have a lot of them, she treasures them all. Rest of her info can be found here.

I am up for anything for her. Friends? We'd love friends. Anyone want to bully her is free to do so, too. ANYTHING! THROW ME ANYTHING. ~<3

Dwight Chambers

6th year, Ravenclaw. Halfblood. There's nothing quiet or meek about this boy- he's a bomb just waiting to explode. He is fearlessly eccentric, and highly spontaneous. He just likes going with the flow. A bit reckless, he acts on impulses without realy thinking about them when he's bored, which leads to a LOT of mischevious stunts and detentions. Somehow, he likes getting into trouble- it gives him something to do. He likes doing very random things and bug his friends... out of love. ~<3

The most interesting fact about him is that he's a Metamorphmagi. Some lady in his mother's line was once one, too, but in his direct family he's the only one. His appearance constantly changes, particularly his hair and the color of his eyes. After years of practice too, he can also turn into anyone he wants to. Cool trick, huh? He likes keeping things interesting, obviously. lol. Oh, and he's that announcer for Ravenclaw during the games who curses a lot. :} Info ---> HERE.

SO. I would love anything for Dwight. He likes people, too, especially when they ask him to change his appearance. He likes the attention though he does hide it well. Friends, enemies ANYTHING!

I am felicisimaa @ AIM if anyone wants to plot!!!