Labyrinth OOC

August 9th, 2009

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Into the Labyrinth RPG OOC


August 9th, 2009

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Okay, a couple of things.

1) Sorry for being Flaky McFlakeFlake this week, it's been a crazy couple of days.

2) No day change today, so another two week day! Get caught up in old threads and post new ones!

3) I think I might just change it so that every day change is two weeks long, any objections?

4) There's actually no number 4. I just wanted to have a longer list.

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Hey everyone, I'm new here. My name's Ratt, and I've brought this shiny new version of the Doctor for your roleplaying pleasure. I understand there's been a Doctor here before. So here's the brilliant way I sidestepped that: that Doctor was from the end of the 4th season, and I made mine from just a few episodes into the 4th season. So, any previous relations you had with that Doctor aren't null and void, they just haven't happened yet for him. So, I guess he has something to look forward to.

Anyway, I'm open to any and all threads you want to set up. Or want me to set up. Or anything.

I'll keep this short, because I'm tired. I just thought I should say hi.

So, hi!

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