Kingsley100 - July 17th, 2014
Drabbles about Kingsley Shacklebolt

alisanne posting in Kingsley100
User: [info]kingsley100 (posted by [info]alisanne)
Date: 2014-07-17 14:02
Subject: Community Change
Security: Public
Mood:working working

Hello, Kingsley fans.

Today would have been the day I should have posted a new prompt, but I have been thinking about this for a while, and I think it's time bring the prompting phase of [info]kingsley100 to a close.

We've had many imaginative and fun drabbles over the last 4 years since the lovely [info]angela_snape originally created the community, but recently we've had very few regular contributors, and it seems silly for me to keep prompting myself.

I won't be deleting the community, so if anyone wants to crosspost Kingsley drabbles or ficlets here, you are more than welcome to do so, I just won't be posting any more new prompts.

Thanks to all who have supported the community by writing for it and/or commenting on the contributions. You have all made Kingsley very happy!


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my journal
July 2014