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June 19th, 2008

[info]theseven in [info]kingslanding

William exits stage left / / Official Modly Decree(s)

William and Dartanian's player has unfortunately had to leave us but I'm leaving the door open should she be willing to return.

Dartanian and Thomas we'll just place in stasis.

William however, we must decide on what to do with. So, let this be the ruling:
King Regent William Stark is now an NPC (until your mods or one of you darling players thinks of a better solution).

THE NEW GOAL OF THIS GAME IS TO MAKE SOMEONE KING. Lie, cheat, steal, stab backs, stab fronts, stab anything just figure out who you want to be king and let chaos reign. And yes, I'll get round to changing the synopsis, but i'm typing one-handed just now so hush.

William doesn't really want to be king but his holding the crown is convenient to Lannisters and Arryns. But perhaps they would rather be kings themselves? Decide amongst yourselves.

Whoever is playing the most senior member of a noble house in play decides the opinion of their Lord. In effect, until someone takes Lord Someone, whoever is playing in their house gets to make the policy in their place.
So, who is responsible for the houses as it stands?
Arryn: Hester.
Bolton: no one. Kyra if absolutely necessary.
Greyjoy: Aelon.
Lannister: Lilyanna.
Martell: Elia.
Stark: Kaelyn.
Targaryen: ... no actual head of that house, but Aenyris just in case.
Tully: Thomas.
Tyrell: Selester, obviously.