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June 18th, 2008

[info]wolfprincess in [info]kingslanding

The rules of bribery and god-moding the serfs and servants

They're going to be different for Westeros. i.e: If your char has the cash and inclination, go forth and bribe blackmail and bully.

Nobles: You have a household of servants at your disposal. Even if you just came to Kings Landing for the conclave of lords, you still brought ladies-in-waiting, maids, footmen, grooms, men-at-arms, guards, pages, squires, knights, whatever. Unless someone's playing one of them, they're your pawns to do with what you will. Treat them, sex them, kill them, flay them, whatever. We're going to assume they're all loyal and dutiful. However, they can be bribed. If you want to spy on another noble, go pay their maid/footman/hired mercenary/whatever. Either make a deal with the other noble you're spying on or just bribe a servant and assume that you get vague information. 

Okay, so the Greyjoys are exceptions but they still have their warriors and captains and such. ... anyone who tries to bribe them had better know what they're doing though.

No bribing the unplayed minor nobles (unless your char is supar talented at seducing ladies-in-waiting/squires/etc and then check with the noble's player who you're spying on).

Non-nobles: You don't get a household of pawns, sorry. However, you can bribe the servants if you have the spare cash. 

Innocent bystanders: Fair game to be killed, murdered, maimed or brutalized at will. by anyone. This includes servants.

The Royal Family's Servants: Bribeable. If Kaelyn fires the whole staff and gets new ones, they'll be more expensive and less helpful because they're new, they don't know the details and routines and hey, they might have some qualms about betrayal so early in their employment.  

Bribe the castle's laundrywomen. You'll find out who's having sex with who, who's bleeding, who's having midnight snacks, and whose bed hasn't been slept in, and who got drunk, who got sick, etc. 

Kitchen staff: Who's a picky eater, who's allergic to what, who orders the midnight snacks, who's got expensive tastes, who has a food obsession. 

Grooms: which horses go out, which come back, and how late. Whose saddles were on them. Who is a bad rider. Who loves to ride.

Do try to announce who you're bribing. I'll put a list up on Elia's journal - she's got a couple grooms, several laundrywomen (you can bribe them to keep secrets too you know), kitchenboys and maids who clean her old rooms and her current rooms. 

If you have an intrigue-inclined character, and you want them to know something big like... who's got a secret alliance with the summer isles, check with the player. Otherwise, it's fair game if you're in the court.

for instance, if you're getting information from the laundrywomen, they might tell you that they washed a tablecloth from Princess Aenyris room with two goblet rings on it that just would not come off. You can guess she had a friend over, but no MacGuyvering a DNA sample out of the fabric please. 

If you want to get elaborate, you can as a noble's player, go through and list off names of people in their household and whether they're bribeable. this is also an option. Otherwise, here are the general guidelines: 

Arryn: A few of Hester's more minor household servants are very apt to take bribes. One maid does. 
Baratheon: Bribe away. Dartanian's personal servants are loyal.
Bolton: Maybe one or two of Matthrew's servants, one of Jemni's take bribes. 
Greyjoy: ... not if you want to keep your fingers. Now, some captains can be bought, but it's not going to give you much information. 
Lannister: Expensive. Two of Lilyanna's maids can be bought but they won't give up any great details. Toria's maid is loyal, as is Lord tyrell's personal attendant(s).
Martell: Elia's personal maids are loyal, as well as the men-at-arms and guards. However, there is one maid who takes bribes but she does not give much detail.  
Stark: Their northron servants are very loyal and can be bought only very, very expensively. Very rarely too. William's men-at-arms are violently loyal so attempt at your own risk.
Targaryen: They now serve Starks and are extremely easily bribed. 
Tully: Bribe away. Thomas' personal servants are loyal but grooms  and 2 footmen  can be bought.
Tyrell: Audrey's servants and Osmund's are more apt to take bribes than Selester's. They're generally happy and so are expensive to bribe. Kyra's are flat-out terrified and at least one has gone insane so good luck there.