Kingsley & Gideon

Aug. 31st, 2007


02:06 am

This was originally written for the one-year anniversary for [info]daily_deviant. Happy birthday!

Title: Frame by Frame
Author: [info]ceria
Characters: Kingsley Shacklebolt / Gideon Prewett
Rating: R
Word Count: 700
Author's Notes: Repost: originally written for [info]daily_deviant's one-year anniversary celebration on lj.

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01:57 am

Title: Sizing up the Matter
Author: by [info]lee_west and [info]ceria
Characters: Kingsley Shacklebolt / Gideon Prewett
Rating: R
Summary: Two wizards meet and, well, size each other up.
Repost: originally written for [info]daily_deviant on lj.

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Aug. 15th, 2007


03:28 pm

Title: Undone
Pairing: Kingsley Shacklebolt/Gideon Prewett with a side of Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Dubious consent leaning toward non-con
Summary: Sirius Black is captain of a pirate ship, Kingsley Shacklebolt is first mate for Lucius Malfoy. Order members Remus Lupin and Gideon Prewett are pulled into an adventure that ends at the Isla de la Muerta from PotC in an attempt to thwart Malfoy.

It's an HP alternate universe story, set inside PotC thank you, [info]kennahijja (on lj), so don't take this too seriously.

A 2006 [info]harry_holidays gift for [info]lee_west

Disclaimer: Situations and characterizations are shamelessly stolen from PotC, as well as JKR. Publishing rights belong to Bloomsbury, Scholastic, Raincoast Books, Warner Bros, Walt Disney Pictures, Jerry Bruckheimer Films and First Mate Productions. I don't own them, and I definitely don't make any profit from them. But I do have a lot of fun.

Many, many thanks to [info]fabu for her beta and suggestions. All mistakes are my own since I kept tweaking it.

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03:27 pm

Title: Ghost from the Past
Word count: 9900
Characters: Kingsley Shacklebolt / Gideon Prewett
Rating: R for subject matter: past rape, mutilation and torture

Author's Notes: Happy Halloween 2006! Thank you, [info]stellastars for the beta; I tinkered with it some more so all mistakes are my own.

Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns these characters and universe; publishing rights belong to Bloomsbury, Scholastic, Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros. No profit is made from this.

June 1996 )

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12:01 am

Title: Out
Authors: [info]lee_west and [info]ceria
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Written for the ADWT prompts "I love you" and "Right here in my arms." Two men finally come to grips with their feelings.
Disclaimer: We don't own the boys at all; if we did, their story would have a happy ending. And obviously we aren't rich or crazy enough to own the Burrow.
Authors’ Note: For [info]nocturnali, muse extraordinaire, whose inspiring words were what Kingsley needed.

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