Keys to Wonderland

January 30th, 2013

Keys to Wonderland - OOC


January 30th, 2013

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So, hey. Weird timing & no1curr, but I got tired of my old AIM username and got a shiny new one @ asphyxiotics.

So IM me there if you ever need to, and don't be alarmed if I message you out of nowhere and start talking to you like I know you.

♥ K

Have a great day!

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Guys, I managed to finish an app!

This girly here is Minta Metvica (both means "mint" in different languages, because I'm creative :|) and she is, who would have thought that, a mint. She's super nice and friendly and will try to make all of the people in Wonderland smile. She's super optimistic and a tiny bit naive and innocent. Minta is blind to any faults and dangers and tends to be stupidly brave. The girl asks more questions than most people can answer and is constantly looking for new things, things she can learn. Minta doesn't stay at the same place for very long because her inexhaustible thirst for knowledge leads her to new places. She's on the side of the Rebellion and more about her can be found here.

Being a mint, causes her to smells strongly, but luckily it's a nice smell. People usually smells her before they see Minta and in the long run, this smell can cause bad headache, but also free airways. Whee!
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