Keys to Wonderland

January 21st, 2013

Keys to Wonderland - OOC


January 21st, 2013

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Hello again, people! Me and mine have been quiet because real life did that thing where it decided to happen and not ask permission! So now that both kids are in and I've got time this week, comment bombs will be falling~ Also going to go back and spam the intro posts I've missed.

Going to be quick, because I'm about to head off to work in a bit.

Anyway! This is a Red Rose (Rose Reddington) - she's super vain, works at The Golden Afternoon as a singer, House of Cards allegiance but more accurately the Hearts because pfff, who cares about the others amirite? Deep down at the bottom of her dark heart, she loves her flower sisters and fellow garden spirits dearly - even if they do cause her much embarrassment by not being as perfect as she. I imagine she'd have more enemies or people that are irritated by her than friends, so give me! Or, you know, friends works, too.

Then I have Mr. Sebastian Evans (@[info]fusty). He's an older Oyster borderline Tart who stumbled upon a Cheshire Cat when he first got here and has kind of succumbed to the madness of Wonderland. He works as an associate for the Caucus Racing Track and helps come up with new and exciting obstacles - he tries to make them more dangerous. app here to save time.

I would love whatever you guys are willing to give me!
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