Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:55 am
[info]ladytalon1: Falling Upward

Title: Falling Upward
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Mal/Jayne
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
Word Count: 4,580 *hides*
A/N: For the [info]shiny_hats Summer Ficathon, Prompt #67: Jayne was abused at the hands of his last captain. Can Mal help him learn to trust again? Hover for translations and remember - feedback's a fangirl's best friend :)

I need for you to trust me )

X-Posted to [info]shiny_hats

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:55 am
[info]ladytalon1: The Captain and Mr. Reynolds

Title: The Captain and Mr. Reynolds
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Characters/Pairing: Mal/Jayne, crew
Rating: PG-13 for naked articulation
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
Word Count: 4,517
A/N: This was meant to be much, much shorter. Sorry. Many passages taken directly from Joss, you'll know them when you read them... for Prompt #61 at the [info]shiny_hats Ficathon: AU: Our Mrs. Reynolds, but Jayne is the naïve new spouse from Triumph, and he’s on the level. Dedicated to [info]prehistoric_sea for letting me take a few prompts after the deadline.
WARNING: May contain trace elements of crack.

Look, Jayne… this ain’t a question of what’s pleasin’ to me, it’s kinda about the Special Hell. )

X-posted to [info]shiny_hats

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:53 am
[info]ladytalon1: Communication Skills, Or The Lack Thereof

Title: Communication Skills, Or The Lack Thereof
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Pairing: Mal/Jayne
Rating: NC-21
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
Word Count: 1,974
Summary: Mal hasn't been listening, and Jayne has finally had enough.
A/N: A gift for [info]prehistoric_sea, who asked for Dom!Jayne/Sub!Mal ages ago... I had the devil's own time with it, but now it's (obviously) finished :) Hover for translations.

You think you’re better’n me, I know it. Think just ‘cause you’re Captain it makes it right to just ignore what I say )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:52 am
[info]ladytalon1: Sell Me Something Big and Untamed

Title: Sell Me Something Big And Untamed
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Pairing: Mal/Jayne
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
A/N: First part of who knows how many, I just had to post this part to see how y'all liked it - let me know if you think it's worth continuing. As you'll be able to tell, it's AU.

His attention is caught by a pair of blue eyes so full of hatred that it makes him take a step back )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:49 am
[info]ladytalon1: For Mal

Title: For Mal
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Pairing: Jayne/Mal
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
Summary: Jayne works on preparing a Valentine's Day gift for Mal

For Mal )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:47 am
[info]ladytalon1: The Blanket War

Title: The Blanket War
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Pairing: Mal/Jayne
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$

The Blanket War )