Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:15 am
[info]ladytalon1: With You

Title: With You
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Fandom: ID4
Pairing: Major Mitchell/Sara Mitchell
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
A/N: I just couldn't let Independence Day pass without a shout out to our major :) Set one year after Reunion.
Word Count: 100

With You )

Sun, Feb. 8th, 2009, 09:15 am
[info]ladytalon1: Reunion

Title: Reunion
Author: [info]ladytalon1
Fandom: ID4
Pairing: Major Mitchell/OFC
Rating: A rather sappy (no pun intended) NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, not making any $$
Note: Another one for [info]guinny_hamilton who wanted Mitchell/OFC & smut. I have no Mjr. Mitchell icon, so am using Jimmeh instead :p

The world had been saved, everyone was happy, everything was just great )