
Posts Tagged: 'daisy+johnson+/+quake+%28mcu%29'

May. 12th, 2017



text messages to damien.

✉ Hey.
✉ We're doing a pizza night.
✉ By which I mean I sent a pizza your way, already paid for.
✉ And I also have a pizza.
✉ And we're going to Skype.
✉ Just because I'm not comfortable being physically around you doesn't mean I don't think you deserve friends.

Nov. 5th, 2015




✉ You want to do something stupid?
✉ I'm thinking we ditch the city for a few days.
✉ And do some training specific damage.

Aug. 15th, 2015



Text Messages to Skye.

✉ I should be concerned that Loki's the one empathizing with my situation, right?
✉ I know you told me not to talk to you anymore.
✉ But I need at least a relatively unbiased opinion right now.
✉ Because I feel like I should be concerned.
✉ But at the same time, it's about damn time nice for someone to understand for a change.