A community-centred HP RPG

The Ministry for Magic wants to guarantee peace, and bridge the gap between witches and wizards who grew up in the magical world and those who didn't. Crosshaven Community Centre opened its doors this year to witches, wizards, and the muggle relatives of magical people, to bring them closer together and see what sparks will fly - magical and otherwise.

Layout By

March 21st, 2019



Candace: 010

Witch Weekly have been running a fascinating series on eccentric interior design, and my daughter cut a few of her favourites together into a collage.


If you had unlimited funds, space and skill, what kind of house would you make? I'd love to design a system of enchantments that could respond to mood and play appropriate music in any room. Julius, on the other hand, would have a massive library and quite possibly no other rooms at all.