A community-centred HP RPG

The Ministry for Magic wants to guarantee peace, and bridge the gap between witches and wizards who grew up in the magical world and those who didn't. Crosshaven Community Centre opened its doors this year to witches, wizards, and the muggle relatives of magical people, to bring them closer together and see what sparks will fly - magical and otherwise.

Layout By

March 20th, 2019



Sam: 011

Not many calls came in last night, and we got to talking about our Station Manager's teenage kids.

If you went back in time to talk to your 14-year-old self, what would you tell them about your life? And what do you think they'd make of it?

I'd tell myself about my job, and how even though I'm not a healer I'm still helping people, and actually I'm probably better at being in the MES than I would've been working in a hospital. I'd mention Liv and Rill, too, and how being an adult with responsibilities is pretty great when you have someone and something to come home to, or that come home to you.