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[Jun. 27th, 2017|07:10 pm]


The day after Fathe Last Monday, I adopted a cat. I was hoping that inspiration would strike me for a name, but as of yet I still only have 'Arsehole.' It might start responding to it properly.

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[Jun. 10th, 2017|10:47 pm]


Vincent is a ghost now, apparently.
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[Jun. 3rd, 2017|09:42 pm]


I appear to have purchased ornate gardening shears I've no need for. I'm happy to give them away to someone if they would have a practical use for them.

[....] Additionally, I have no need for murderflowers, so I've left suspected bouquets outside the door, should anyone want them. They are not bad bouquets.
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[May. 28th, 2017|09:33 pm]


I looked up "how to deal with bad news" and I printed out the results. I'll send them to each of you, if necessary.
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[May. 27th, 2017|09:19 pm]


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[Apr. 30th, 2017|10:04 am]


[....] [ DAPHNE AND LUCY ]
I have a query.
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[Mar. 13th, 2017|04:18 pm]


I've been informed that people feel like a suggestion box for me and, I imagine, other members of student authority would be advantageous.

On this occasion, I'm foregoing constructing a box and asking for suggestions, ideas, or accepting general queries. I'll endeavour to the best of my ability to respond but I really have only so much patience and. Everything will be taken under advisement. I will not give more weight to certain peoples suggestions and will regard everything equally, with the caveat that those that are particularly absurd or idiotic will be entirely ignored.

This is an open forum. Suggest what you want, within reason.
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[Feb. 26th, 2017|07:38 pm]


26th Feb.

Things I Learnt In Apparently Mandatory Sex Ed that Will Never Ever Leave Me
  • Lucy was v. displeased with me; shot me looks. I assume I've done something (decide if to be investigated)
  • a question posed: do dogs have anything to do with doggy style?
  • another question posed: can you get pregnant from swallowing?
  • G asked if you have to put balls in condom too
  • Also asked if animals and humans can procreate
  • Can you run out of sperm
  • Will "it" fall off from excessive masturbation
  • Another question posed: what is excessive masturbation?
  • Lady leading the session looks like she may cry or take several calming potions
  • Room is really astonishingly stuffy
  • 35 more minutes of this :-(
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[Feb. 12th, 2017|07:05 pm]

[Tags|, ]

As of right now, the area in the south west of the dungeons is officially out of bounds. There will be a patrol established and charms around the perimeter. Students are to take care to avoid the area. I've heard some of the charms have semi-permanent effects.

[ IS ]
You're welcome.
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