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[Jul. 20th, 2017|06:51 pm]


Yk, sometimes I think about bad decisions I've made and that sucks and all but I'm not Usher. Rate your own bad decisions on that scale. It'll definitely make you feel better.
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[Jun. 26th, 2017|05:12 pm]



Hey. I heard I've to thank you. In relation to a thing I got.

[ MAT ]
Let's go flying sometime soon.
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[Jun. 16th, 2017|07:29 pm]


My newest hobby is def going to be jetskiing, I reckon. I went to the beach and tried out surfing the other day and and I've always want to give a jetski a go and I've just got a lot of time to fill.

Also celebrities are always jet skiing so this way I have an in when I eventually get famous. Or I could just bump into some while I'm out. I made a list of ones I'd like.

1. Gillian Anderson
2. Kyle Chandler
3. Brian Cox
4. Louis Theroux
5. Peter Capaldi
6. Rachel Weisz
7. Rihanna
8. Drake because he would sing about it somehow
9. Gillian Anderson
10. Gillian Anderon
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[Jun. 6th, 2017|09:52 pm]


So The Mummy's out on Friday and I thought maybe now I should start watching a movie a day to get prepared, but ever since I got home all my dad's done has been watch The Big Bang Theory on the big TV. I'm being attacked. Please consider this an SOS.
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[Jun. 1st, 2017|07:51 pm]


I get to leave tomorrow finally, so I'm drawing together a list of everything I've been wanting to do. There's some restrictions but I'm making a list. I'm gonna stick to it. Everything on it is stuff I have to or want to do.
  • I'm gonna watch the rest of Brooklyn 99
  • I'm gonna finish reading every book I own, so I don't die without having that completed
  • Actually learn how to develop photographs. My mum used to do this sometimes, it looked fun
  • Go to physio when I have to/do it
  • Learn more languages and go to the places. I've terrible German.
  • Help my dad build that shed he wants as much as poss.
  • Watch the stuff I told Kevin I'd watch one day but didn't
  • & we're gonna do a memorial thing for my mum soon so that's cool.

Anyway I think that's them all. The outside is beautiful right? I heard a rumour the sky goes on for approximately forever.
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[May. 27th, 2017|07:49 pm]


Hey, Hogwarts.

The moral of every story is you can't hold a good story about a dragon down. Embrace it. Stop hitting the messenger. It could mean loss feel good stories about dragons in the future. Also I think further evidence that there's a lot going on that they don't want us to know about. They're terrified of the truth: it makes them look weaker.
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[May. 19th, 2017|08:51 pm]


Dear Greg,

I must apologise for the delay in this but, as you'll see, I've been at something of a loss. Our last altercation left me very confused and I'll tell you why. You've clearly been seized by some desire to touch me. While I completely understand this impulse (it's clear from the way you look at me that you think I'm irresistible), I've got to tell you...mate, there's better ways to go about it.

Now I'm not trying to be rude and I really did appreciate the love song I could hear you humming under your breath, but I just feel like there's no spark there. We don't connect really, honestly, deeply in the way that I think people should. I know it's been hard for you to get to this point, but could you please stop telling me about how hard it is? It's beginning to get a bit weird.

However, if you want me to engage in other activities with you I'd be happy to. I hear a nice boxing match would be fun and would give me an excellent opportunity to punch you in the eye! Unfortunately, I have to mention it here because in boxing they always seem to hug/lean on each other. I think it'd be too physical for us. I know how you get.

I'll think on it more! Please stop singing at me.

Not really yours but it's a customary sign off,
Terence F. Boot.
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[Apr. 25th, 2017|07:42 pm]

[Tags|, ]

I had a cousin who was a demon child when we were younger. His literal nickname was Demonic Danny. My parents refused to babysit for him regularly because he was a terror.

Personally, I think these babies are a piece of piss. It hates me? Whatever. I've got some sweet sweet facts to entertain it with. It'll hate me more. I feed on its hate.

[ DA ]
Alternatively, can we somehow join all the baby things together to create one terrible superdemondoll and just leave it in the Carrows office? Or attach to them with permanent sticking charms. Just a thought.

Heyyy babymama.
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[Apr. 14th, 2017|04:03 pm]


Thinking about supper today.

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[Apr. 4th, 2017|07:35 pm]


The rumour of my demise was greatly exaggerated.
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[Feb. 16th, 2017|09:17 pm]


Petition to replace Pansy as Head Girl, please sign below.

Apples aren't so bad, sign below if you agree.
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