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[Jul. 13th, 2017|02:03 pm]


should i eat the snail i just found
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[Jun. 19th, 2017|07:10 pm]


pic! )

get this post to 69 likes and i'll eat the detergent pod and finally succumb to sweet oblivion
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[Jun. 5th, 2017|09:05 pm]


so now that i've regained my right to free speech and artistic expression, i would like to present to you damning evidence that every single slytherin 7 girl is a furry

not an ic cut )
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[May. 28th, 2017|01:18 pm]


of the things i've eaten this year hospital food is by far the worst

im gonna eat a detergent pod when i get outta here
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[May. 7th, 2017|07:30 pm]


you ever just look at someone and KNOW they're into weird shit

like i bet the carrows hoard hentai
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[Apr. 19th, 2017|08:02 pm]


wow i was minding my own business hydratin my skin and some 5th year asked me if i was going to eat my lotion

honestly i'm so offended
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[Mar. 27th, 2017|09:43 pm]


lush carrot soap review 3/12 doesnt even taste like carrots
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[Mar. 15th, 2017|02:22 pm]


i want to EAT the knight bus

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[Feb. 15th, 2017|05:41 pm]


here's my review on eating roses: the petals aren't that bad imo, thorns hurt your mouth but anything is possible if you believe enough
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