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[Jun. 14th, 2017|02:51 pm]


Sooooo what's everyone doing for NEWTs? I'm def postponing and I know there's talk of remedial classes and stuff. But is anyone interested in a study group or groups for the various subjects?

Wish me luck. I went in for a follow up appointment at St. Mungo's and talked to the nurses a bunch and now I have a meeting with the head of the program to discuss STUFF.

So I think I'm def going to want a STUDY GROUP or tutor for NEWTs.

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[Jun. 6th, 2017|12:09 pm]


Hi. 🐰 Thanks for all the flowers and gifts!! Short update: I'm home. My mum's here now. :) I'm doing okay, I have new lipsticks. I'm thinking of adopting a hedgehog.

Also, I would LIKE it if you filled out my poll:
1. Were you in St. Mungo's? If no, you are done with the poll! Congrats! If yes, please continue, and I hope you are feeling better. πŸ€•
2. Did you eat the food?
3. Since then, have you done something uncharacteristically d
3. Since then, have you experienced any weird side effects or behaviors?

ps. I did not eat the food.
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[May. 31st, 2017|09:52 pm]


To all the death eaters and especially our Professors Carrows:

Cut for Image )
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[May. 29th, 2017|04:30 am]


Hi. Is anyone awake?
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[May. 27th, 2017|05:40 pm]

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If ANYONE ELSE wants to play MASH...

Bye, Bulstrode. Except you.

Can we ALSO talk about how he pulled off a HEIST in GRINGOTT'S? I hope he had to RAPEL at least once.

My dreams were full of GRIMS, and THEN I saw one in my tea leaves. At first I thought it was a dragon, but then I REALIZED.
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[May. 25th, 2017|03:43 pm]


pink. glitter. leaving trails of glitter behind. divination. unicorns. bunnies. daydreams. matchmaking. weddings. wishing on 11:11. holding hands. kissing. long phone conversations. playing in the rain. daisies. gardens. HAIR. hedgehogs. babies. finding a good fanfic. harry. lipgloss & lipstick. skirts. handwritten notes. autumn leaves. blowing bubbles. sleeping in. smell of cinnamon. saturdays. candles. fresh manicures. helping people. listening. TALKING. drinking cold water. salads with berries. sweaters. cuddles. jasmine. magic carpet rides. flying. handstands. blanket forts. rom-coms. tvd. bows. sunshine. boyfriends. dares. swings. swimming. checking off to do lists. dancing. cappuccino. papermate flair. stationery. books. feeling smart. accomplishing things. glasses. the perfect pair of boots. friends. secrets. inside jokes. parvati.

well, I feel a bit better.
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[May. 21st, 2017|11:20 am]


Wow I can't believe it's acceptable to casually talk about MURDERING each other now.

Bulstrode has promised to set my face on fire , pull out all my hair, and eat my pets next time she sees me TOO. AND SHE CALLED ME LAVATORY. So basically, can we DO something tonight? Like GRAFFITI PLEASE. You and me!!

Please get your death eater friends under control. THANKS.
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[May. 18th, 2017|12:51 pm]


SPEAKING of library books! In my Divination readings today I ran across some stuff about patronuses and I LOVED this
The first impression of an individual with a hedgehog patronus can be very deceiving. On the outside, they can first appear happy-go-lucky and kind, as well as slightly naive. They are optimistic individuals in the way they want to be happy and have the feeling rub off on others, but this is not who they are completely. Rather, they actually have a tough personality to them, and have the ability to fight and defend themselves. Do not take the for weaklings, because they certaintly are not, and are much more perceptive than they appear.
♥ ♥ ♥ idk if it's like PERFECTLY true about me but I LIKE it. I can look up others if you want TOO but there aren't a TON so sorry if yours isn't here.

also I finally mastered this new healing spell to control bleeding which is great for detentions lol so I can show everyone. I mean if you think teaching these things is working!
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[May. 15th, 2017|11:48 am]


Can we go flying again? I promise I won't talk.
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[May. 14th, 2017|11:02 am]


"The worst of imagining things is that the time comes when you have to stop and that hurts.”

"It's nicer to think dear, pretty thoughts and keep them in one's heart, like treasures. I don't like to have them laughed at or wondered over.”

β€œ...One can't stay sad very long in such an interesting world, can one?”

I can't BELIEVE I am missing the Anne reboot AND HARRY's album. I feel less cul Anne is my kindred spirit because she's basically ME but ginger. I even have a bosom friend.

β€œLife is worth living as long as there's a laugh in it.”
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[May. 12th, 2017|12:49 pm]


How's Belize, Neville?
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[May. 8th, 2017|02:09 pm]

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I've been compiling a list of healing spells and everything a few of us have learned this year, and I think it MIGHT not be such a bad idea if I tried to teach you a few of them. IF YOU WANT. And then we can help others. I GUESS.
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[Apr. 30th, 2017|06:06 pm]

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Happy Birthday, Parvati and Padma! I love you SO MUCH!!!

Violet told me that Damara told her that she heard from Norvel that the Carrows threatened to torture one of the portraits down by the Carrows' office until he told them what happened in their office. or what they SAY happened anyway. BASICALLY all the portraits are all talking about it. So I guess it's just something to REMEMBER. Someone's always watching I guess.

Also they probs won't be down for my passing compliments through the portraits plan.

But let's still raid the hospital wing.

Can we rescue Anthony???

You can be my prefect.
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[Apr. 29th, 2017|10:06 am]


EVERYONE (minus the Patils and Slytherin)
Yearly reminder that my FAVOURITE people aka Parvati and Padma have a birthday tomorrow. let's combine our resources and celebrate.
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[Apr. 22nd, 2017|11:48 am]


My spider's named Charlie. Once you start watching spiders, you haven't time for much else, and Charlie's one of the best ones. She's brave, clever, a loyal friend, and really good with words. She likes reading, crossword puzzles, and writing messages in webs (she's a big fan of the graffiti). She's got a hundred children and about a billion more grandchildren. I just thought you should know.

You can choose the next set of books.

HEY BOND. I just wanted to say THANKS for being .a good friend not just when YOU KNOW but before and basically always. You're like ALWAYS there. "That in itself is a tremendous thing."
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[Apr. 15th, 2017|11:34 pm]


everyone πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰
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[Apr. 8th, 2017|10:28 am]


AHHHHH OMG OMG OH MY GOD it's like this song was written JUST FOR US. Just stop your crying, it's a sign of the times. We got to get away from here!!! Remember everything will be all right. We can meet again somewhere.


I also wanted to invite everyone to my house on the Saturday before we return. Just something small and INTIMATE haha for my birthday. There will be food (and vegetarian options for us vegetarians) and alcohol. It'll be super casual, and we can play Truth or Dare or Spin the Bottle. I thought maybe we could work on last minute DA things like helping each other transfigure and hide stuff to smuggle back into school. My dad is really oblivious so it won't be a problem.

ALSO anyone is welcome to visit me anytime!! PLEASE DO VISIT. Or hext or call me anytime!

I love you all and be safe and if you don't return to school after the hols. As Harry Styles says, we can meet again somewhere, somewhere far away from here
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[Apr. 6th, 2017|10:52 am]


I'm not sorry.
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[Mar. 23rd, 2017|07:17 pm]

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I have an ADORABLE black kitten in need of a new home. His name is JUGHEAD JONES. He's a bit camera shy so he probs won't make you cat video famous sry to say, but he's still p cute. Not much of a snuggler, but he likes his ears scratched. Has a broken foot, so please handle with CARE. if you're interested, I'm accepting applications.

Soooo. UNFORGIVABLES. I love all of you, and everyone who refused is so brave and I'm sorry you have detention omg. fwiw, I managed to get a few videos of class today, so maybe we can do something with that? Like send it to someone on the outside who CARES? idk! we should still keep documenting, right?

Also! I've been reading a bunch about healing. Most of it is way way way over my head. But we tried out a numbing charm before detentions this week, and I wanted to report that, while it wasn't quite a success, it sort of worked. It helped for the first five minutes of detention anyway, LOL. So, we can keep looking/working on that. I also found a cooling charm that feels nice on your hand afterward, but it has to be continually cast, which isn't really practical and murtlap works better obvs.
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[Mar. 19th, 2017|01:06 pm]

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If they're going to keep giving detentions for LITERALLY NOTHING πŸ™„ then I'm going to KEEP SCORE.

Me: 2 TODAY I wish Malfoy was in love


I'm going to watch Malfoy fall from the ceiling over and over again. ANYWAY, I have a few unused tubes of lipstick that are going to go to waste, if anyone wants them, you can come look at them and see what you want. πŸ’„
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