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[Apr. 6th, 2017|01:06 pm]

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[The DA]
I expect that next time (or at least in the near future) they'll make us Crucio each other. Or maybe Imperius us to do it. Or maybe both. So I feel like we need some kind of plan, or at least I need someone to help me brain storm what the fuck to do when that happens. Because I have no idea.

Also, I know I don't need to say this, but if anyone feels like this spiral into Unforgivables: Fun For the Whole Family means that they just can't return after Easter break, nobody's going to judge you for it. Just putting that out there.

[Gryffindor Girls]
None of us have any alcohol hidden away, do we? Because I could really use some right about now.
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[Mar. 28th, 2017|11:18 pm]


Maybe next time our mystery person will leak detention footage. That'd be fun, wouldn't it?
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[Feb. 21st, 2017|10:10 pm]

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Parvati and I tried to retrieve a package someone had left us with healing supplies and other useful stuff, and found that all ways out of the castle have been blocked. I don't know how they found them all, but they did and none of them are usable. So there's that.

[Michael, Neville, Seamus, Stephen, Terry]
How are we all doing a couple of days later? I'm personally in the general area of "I don't know and I don't know if I want to know", but I thought I'd check in.
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[Feb. 19th, 2017|02:31 am]

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We did it, guys. Kevin's off Hogwarts grounds and in the hands of someone who will help hide him, and potentially get him somewhere safe once all the practical details have been worked out. I can't tell you more than that right now, but he'll be okay.

We better brace ourselves for the fallout, but the important thing is: WE DID IT.
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[Feb. 16th, 2017|07:11 pm]

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So, as far as exit strategies for Kevin once we free him (yes, that's a when and not an if):

I've talked to a few people and have a pretty good idea about the amount of passages in and out of the castle. I'm thinking that all of us knowing exactly where you find all of them is a bad idea, but I can tell you where all of them lead so we can discuss where to go from there.

We have one that leads into the cellar of Honeydukes, one that ends in the Shrieking Shack, and a few more that leads to various places in Hogsmeade. Unfortunately the latter are all either caved in or known by Filch. It's possible that the Room of Requirement can give us another one if we ask, but I trust the people telling me that these two are solid choices so maybe we can start there?

My suggestion is to try getting him out through the one ending at the Shrieking Shack (I've been assured that getting into the passage is more dangerous than the Shack itself is, imagine that). It's on the outskirts of town so less people would be able to spot him, and I might also be able to find someone who is willing to meet up with us when we get there, and take him somewhere safe. He'll be in good hands, I can assure you of that.

Unfortunately we need to get Kevin out onto the grounds to use that passage, whereas the Honeydukes one is reachable from inside the castle. I still think it'd be less risky than having him come out in the middle of Hogsmeade since we have no idea what the security is like in the village at this point, but it's very much up for discussion.

Once we've got this one nailed down we should figure out exactly where they're holding him and how to get him out without being spotted too. Susan and Lavender and I talked about enlisting the ghosts and maybe even the portraits to cause a number of distractions in different parts of the castle, but if anyone has additional suggestions, lets add them to the pile and work from there.
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[Feb. 14th, 2017|08:42 pm]

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Who even likes roses anyway?

So if you try to stun your "teacher" they lock you wandless in a room over night with a boggart. So maybe don't do that.

I'd like to discuss what we're going to do to next time they try to make us curse him, though. I doubt that will be too far into the future. Pretending to fail is probably the easiest route for both him and us, physically speaking, but what about mentally? Nobody should do anything they're not comfortable with, especially not since they're literally telling us that if we don't curse him he'll get hurt worse, but I wonder if there's any way we can make a stand without him getting harmed further.

Tbh I can't think of one right now, but I'm operating on exactly zero hours of sleep at the moment so I think you'll be better than me on the whole ideas front. So yeah. Have at it.

I also really want to try and grab him again, but I feel like we need a more solid plan for that this time around. Zacharias, this is NOT where you say "I told you so".
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This was last night before the ~operation~, timezones are the worst [Feb. 13th, 2017|01:03 pm]

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Right, so who's going where? Suggestions for locations so far is dungeon, DA classroom, Muggle Studies classroom, staff wing (Carrows office would make sense). Someone should patrol the corridors too, just in case.

Anthony, Neville and I volunteered for the dungeons, though on second thought I'll go with the staff wing instead. Parvati is doing the Muggle Studies classroom. Who else are coming, and where are you going? Nobody's going anywhere alone for obvious reasons.

Check in here afterwards so we know whether or not we'll have to stage another rescue tomorrow, keep your coins close and don't get caught. It's not pleasant.

Let's do this.
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