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[17 Apr 2020|12:56am]
I have to admit I'm looking forward to the Quidditch matches this weekend. The Falcons on Friday and Puddlemere on Saturday.

| Alastair |
You're going to come with me, aren't you? Hector's father has decided he's working and I don't want to sit through a Puddlemere match bored out of my mind alone.

| Hector |
I'll try and leave the games early so I can come home and distract you from work. What happens in your office is none of your father's concern.

[17 Apr 2020|12:56am]
is it normal not to give a wank about quidditch when you play it for a livin?

[17 Apr 2020|01:58am]

Tha Beurla na chànan uamhasach agus tha gràin agam nuair nach urrainn dhomh toirt air daoine mo thuigsinn.

Dè thachras ma phòsas Trent mi Sasannach, agus nach urrainn dhomh smaoineachadh air na faclan aig amannan?Mar nuair a tha an deoch orm, no rè feise?

[English is a terrible language and I hate when I can't make people understand me.

What happens if I marry Trent an Englishman, and I can't think of the words at times? Like when I'm drunk, or during sex?

[17 Apr 2020|02:41pm]
[Maman & Papa]

I need your thoughts, please. Nounours wants us to think about children. I am...unsure. It's not that I don't want children, but, well...we all know what we're like. I honestly don't know how you did it all these years. I worry so much about Kit and my sisters, and I don't know how I'd handle a baby.

How bad is the Veela to deal with? Is it safe to think about being pregnant at Hogwarts with all the teenagers and other male teachers around, or would it be wiser, if we do this, for us to move back home and for Teddy to Floo to work? Would I need to stop working early, or could I work through until regular witches stop?

I know I was around for all of my siblings, but I honestly don't remember much of the pregnancy bits, other than asking how Maman was making a baby. Is this even something I should be thinking about? Because I am thinking about it.

[saturday 18 april] [17 Apr 2020|07:14pm]
[Off-duty palace guards]
Anyone not currently working at the palace or at a Quidditch stadium already is to report immediately the palace for assignment. No exceptions.

Saturday. April 18 [17 Apr 2020|08:45pm]
Hufflepuff Friends and Morag
Justin got pretty badly hurt. He is at St. Mungos. He will be okay. I am with him now. I went to let his parents know.

Hope everyone else is okay.

[Saturday 18 April] [17 Apr 2020|08:52pm]
All Aurors are to report directly to your Head Auror for assignments immediately. We are not doing drills, this is a real emergency and you are being called away from other assignments for this task.

| Cole's Team |
We are going to the Puddlemere stadium. Half of you will create a parameter around the site. Only Healers and Aurors are to be let inside, is that clear? All others will assist with extraction of victims and coordination of movement to either St. Mungo's or medi-witch on-site tents.

I don't have time for questions. Just do it.

[saturday 18 april] [17 Apr 2020|09:07pm]
| Dax & Sirius |
Aurors and Healers are writing about emergencies at the Quidditch matches.
What the fuck is going on out there?
I thought we were done with Tom's terrible ideas?

| Potter Family |
Check-in and tell me you're all right.

| Caradoc & Bones |
What is going on out there? Tell me something because my family isn't protected right now.

[SATURDAY 18 APRIL] [17 Apr 2020|09:56pm]
| Kyal |
You are staying at the hospital not going to the Quidditch matches.

[Late Saturday 04/18] [17 Apr 2020|10:43pm]

Where is everyone? Please check in, I need to know you're okay. I'm fine, I've had worse at practise, but I'm at Mungo's with Trent. He had to go off and be an Auror, and he's...really hurt.

Stupid Sassenach going off and getting himself all broken being a hero.

[17 Apr 2020|11:17pm]
Check-in, now.

Everyone all right?

[17 Apr 2020|11:37pm]
[Malfoys & Bellatrix & others Emily knows is close to Narcissa]
Hi, my name is Emily. I found Narcissa Malfoy and helped get her to St. Mungos. They are working on her. She is in bad shape. I wanted to inform family and such.
Hi! I'm fine-ish. Nothing that can't be fixed. Hope everyone is okay.
Hi. Does your brother guard Narcissa Malfoy?

[saturday 18 april] [17 Apr 2020|11:42pm]
Split up. I want one of you at each match and two at St. Mungo's. There is a chance our fugitives may make an appearance, but I doubt they will go undisguised.

[ viewing | April 17th, 2020 ]
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