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[16 Apr 2020|12:00am]
You're all comin' to quidditch right? Starts out with the best team, obviously.

[Runcorn Siblings]
Posing for PlayWizard is a bad idea right? Or good idea? I mean I am hot.

[16 Apr 2020|01:09am]
[ Oberon ]
I am going to murder my siblings.
Specifically, the last three.

[ Rook ]
What drink pairs well with disappointment and rage?

[16 Apr 2020|01:46am]
| warded to kitty macdougal |
Do you forgive your brother?

[16 Apr 2020|02:57am]
I wish I could be there this weekend at the match, unfortunately curse breaking isn't always a regular job with normal hours. But I'll be with you in spirit.

| 98' Claws |
We need to get together soon. Not making a mess like the hufflepuffs, but just to talk. Sometimes I miss when we were all studying in the common room as a group.

[16 Apr 2020|04:16am]
I am so glad this week is almost over. And why is it, whenever you go to find something, it's never where you thought you left it?


Do you know where the card for the photographer from your last birthday gift is?

Can we go home this weekend? Jo's playing in this Quidditch weekend, and I'd like to sleep in our own bed.

[16 Apr 2020|11:35am]
I'm looking forward to the Quidditch Match this coming weekend. It shall hopefully be quite an event.

Dude Bros
Let's go out and have some fun. I'm tense, surrounded by idiots and just need to let off some steam.

[16 Apr 2020|04:28pm]
Now accepting any stories about my adventures last night, in particular why my knuckles are bleeding. Last thing I remember is going out with the lads and now blood. Blood everywhere.

[16 Apr 2020|04:39pm]
Quidditch is happening again this weekend? Don't you people take a break?

[16 Apr 2020|06:57pm]
While Quidditch doesn't hold quite the appeal that it used to for me, I do plan to attend alongside Jean-Luc of the De la Roche from Paris. I had the joy of meeting him the other week at the opening of an Art Gallery, that he and his brother Louis were putting on. I am so grateful to have met him, he is a wonderful person. He was so kind as to sell me his ancestor Paul's painting The Execution of Lady Jane Grey which has always been one of my favourite paintings.

If you are attending do not speak to me. He does not know you exist.

I do not see the Quidditch event in your schedule. Do you plan on attending?

[16 Apr 2020|07:50pm]
Just a reminder that I have copy of old exams in my office with end of the year fast approaching.

How are you dear?

[16 Apr 2020|07:56pm]
I'm so glad people have been talking about the match this weekend. I forgot that it was this weekend.

You're going to rock on Saturday

Katie + Ginny
Good luck to the two of you on Saturday

I heard you were back in town and playing for the Harpies. Good luck for the match.

Ron + Maria
You two want to hang out on Saturday at the match? I really should go and support them.

I'm going for both teams. I'm not choosing between them.

[16 Apr 2020|11:34pm]
Are you going to watch Katie on Saturday?
Why do you have to play at the same time as Katie?

[ viewing | April 16th, 2020 ]
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