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[08 Apr 2020|02:16pm]
What are you hoping to get out of this? Why are you going through with this?

[08 Apr 2020|02:18pm]
Want to talk? I have alcohol.

How are you coping Lils?

[08 Apr 2020|03:58pm]
Maybe it's not that we cheat, maybe it's that your teams are just shit. Think about that for awhile and then try practicing better.

Smith, the blokes are getting together some time this week. While you're not with us anymore, it wouldn't be a party without you. What do you say?

| Lisa |
I heard that idiot Goyle gave us blokes a bad name with regard to you. He's happy to run his mouth but let me say, you deserved better than him.

| Justin |
You u
I could use some stress relief.

[08 Apr 2020|04:04pm]
I hope everyone enjoyed the Moon Calf Ball as much as I did.

Draco + Lucius + Pansy
With the ball fast approaching, just a reminder I require you to be in the entrance hall by 6:30pm sharp to start greeting guests.

Bella darling, do you ever so mind if I borrow one of your House Elves for the day of the ball? I have complete faith in Misty but I'm afraid I'm losing faith in Dobby do to do his job properly.

[08 Apr 2020|04:53pm]
I enjoyed the ball, though I have to say it is a shame that I was not asked. I was very much looking for an opportunity to have a date and get laid.

I do hope I find a suitable man by the Easter ball as it seems I'm yet to be asked which is highly disappointing. It is a shame that Alexander is gay. He would have been an acceptable match otherwise.

Terence [08 Apr 2020|05:32pm]
I know you've probably grown used to having me around the last couple nights and mornings but I have dinner plans tonight with another wizard.

Does this make you jealous?

[08 Apr 2020|06:02pm]
Took a hard fall today and was sent home early. Thankfully we don't have a match this weekend because I'm benched until healers look over it. I can't fucking believe My beaters are doing their job but maybe a little too well during practice.

Oberon, I'm probably not going to be much fun tonight but you're still welcome to come over.

By the way, The Moon Calf Dance was a great event. Abi, is it? I think you did a brilliant job arranging it.

[08 Apr 2020|06:18pm]
I definitely moved a little slower this morning. Coffee has never tasted so good. Thank you for the evening out Cho and Lisa. You two are the best and it does help with breakup sadness. Merlin this migraine needs to go away. Why did I let Cho talk me into drinking?

| Neville |
I have several files you should see from the archives. Things the Crown has swept under the rug that Knights have done.

| Cho & Lisa |
Did you make it home okay?

edited in...

| Dax |
Thank you for being you. I know you won't understand but just...thank you.

[08 Apr 2020|06:35pm]

Long time no talk? How's things? Want to grab a drink and catch up?

[08 Apr 2020|06:50pm]
I don't' fucking see what people find so interesting about a fucking ball.

So gorgeous, what are you up to tonight?

[08 Apr 2020|06:56pm]
The Moon Calf Dance was such an exquisite event. My compliments to the organizers, especially for incorporating education into the event's purpose. I learned a great deal about moon calves as well as the other creatures kept within the menagerie.

Terence Higgs is bad news. He's going to break her heart. What do we do?
Have you taken your test yet?
Are you telling your friends what it was like to have sex with me?

[08 Apr 2020|09:13pm]
Thank you to everyone who made last night's event such a huge success. We were able to raise quite a bit of money for the Menagerie, as well as educate people about not only the Moon Calves, but several of the other creatures that we house at the Menagerie. Just a reminder that our gardens are open to the public, and I am usually there and if I am I am happy to guide anyone who would like to learn more about our facilities or the creatures that we care for there.

[Private to Charlie]
I think we did pretty well, yeah?? I've gotten a lot of positive feedback from guests and we raised a ton of gold. Are we sure it's okay for us to keep all of this gold? I feel like---I don't know. Maybe someone made a mistake or something. There is a lot here.

[Private to Oberon]
Thank you so much. I can't even find the words to thank you. Last night was perfect and it was all because of you. Thank you!

[08 Apr 2020|09:36pm]
I wish I could walk around in ball gowns every single day without everyone thinking I've gone mad. Last night was lovely. When's the next one?

[08 Apr 2020|10:11pm]
What a lovely event. Well organized.

Why are there so many damn events so close together!!! I have to find another dress for Sunday and my feet still hurt from my shoes last night.
Hi. Sorry I have not been in touch regarding the devil's snare cutting. I wanted to be sure it was the right one that would give a good plant. I have cultivated it a little and it is ready to be yours.

[08 Apr 2020|11:10pm]
While I am glad it seems everyone had a good time at the dance, there’s something to be said for spending a quiet evening at home.


My sincerest apologies for the other night. I do not know what came over me, I hope you can forgive me.

[08 Apr 2020|11:59pm]
The first night of Passover's seder complete. Anyone want to take bets as to how many bubbes, Jewish mothers, and aunties wanted to set me up with their single female relatives? They see a healer and their eyes went wide. What heteronormative bullshit.

[ viewing | April 8th, 2020 ]
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