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Royal Wands Journals

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[09 Mar 2020|10:02pm]
It's really horrible what happened to the royal family, but thank goodness there are so many competent knights protecting them.

[zach & helena]
Drop your current assignments. We have a job to do.

oo1. [09 Mar 2020|10:32pm]
Not a good sign when danger can reach even the royal family, I say. Not the official Greengrass statement.

My father would like it known that the Greengrass family is glad the royal family is safe, and that we should all be thankful for the service of those who guard them.

So I know the full m
How are y
Moons, right?


Aren't we due for some kind of girls' night horseshit?

[ viewing | March 9th, 2020 ]
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