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[23 Feb 2020|09:36am]
Studies of case files from almost every era reflect a higher incidence of muggle-born policing when compared to their pure-blood peers.

If you haven't figured out that wealth and blood status reign supreme by now, then you likely never will. But it is certainly going to take a lot more than an article in the Daily Prophet to make any sort of change happen.

[23 Feb 2020|09:42am]
The Daily Prophet should take a poll on how many of us are too hungover to go to work today. I think statistically speaking, that would be more popular than the articles they're printing lately. Common sense has told the entire wizarding world what was said in that article ever since the death of King Arcturus III. I'm honestly surprised that it's become a topic of conversation at all. Usually, everybody pretends that such injustice ceases to exist, but it's there and it has been there for quite some time.

Did I mention that I am way too hungover this morning? No more thoughts until after I've been properly caffeinated.

[23 Feb 2020|09:51am]
Yeah, nobody gives a shit about the Daily Prophet and what they have to say about anything. Only housewitches with too much time on their hands pay any mind to that nonsense.

[23 Feb 2020|10:01am]
Are people dense? Even if you agree with the article in the Daily Prophet you know that if you have any desire to be left alone to just live your life peacefully, you won't openly talk about your opinion on the matter if it differs from that of the monarchy.

Don't speak out against the monarchy, don't be a bloody idiot. We're in times where they will have you imprisoned for treason just for wearing a red t-shirt on a bloody Tuesday. You can't stand up to injustice from Azkaban.

[23 Feb 2020|10:07am]
It's such a beautiful morning. While I've enjoyed all of my travelings there is always something that has to be said about the comfort of being at home. Of course, it's a far cry from the home where I grew up, and I don't have servants to wait on my every need, but I've always preferred to do things on my own anyhow.

Morar is so stunning in the morning. The sun is warm, the air is chilly and I can smell the saltwater of the ocean. The view helps one to really appreciate what they have and how fortunate they are to have it at all.

I read the article in The Daily Prophet that everybody seems to be talking about. Whether you agree or disagree with it, it's only normal to try to place yourself in the shoes of those who seem to be affected. What would it be like to be judged by something that you have no control over? I feel like in a way I can relate as I have been judged by something that I have no control over. But in the face of adversity, one must always try to look on the brighter side of things.

[23 Feb 2020|10:21am]
Just five more minutes of sleep and I'll be coherent, I swear it.

Make that fifteen more minutes.

One more hour?

Tomorrow, tomorrow is good.

Fuck it, I'm getting up. I don't want to, but I am.

Cereal... with those little marshmallows in it.

[23 Feb 2020|10:41am]
23 down. Lack of fairness. Nine letters.

[23 Feb 2020|10:42am]
So I came back to England in time to see that absolutely nothing with the lower classes has changed. They're still on about their 'rights' and how 'unfair' life is. Honestly, if they ever got what they wanted, they'd run out of things to whinge about and then what? Then suddenly the sky wouldn't be blue enough and Merlin forbid we call ourselves Wizards and Witches instead of 'People with Magic'.

Goyle I have a meeting later with someone about my investments here, make sure my assistant remembers that, would you?

[23 Feb 2020|11:50am]
If the world was meant to be fair, you'd have been born into different circumstances.

[23 Feb 2020|11:53am]
Smith, we're never going out for 'a drink' again. I don't even remember the name of the last pub we went to let alone what drinks we were served.

You're going to kill me and I need to be in perfect shape for the season.

Abbott, he's trying to kill me!

[23 Feb 2020|01:42pm]
It is easy to say from my position as head of the courts in England, that I try to ensure that all decisions are fair and justified. That any punishment handed down for a crime is impartial from any opinion on the person and fits the crime that was done.

But that is easy to say from my position. It is much harder to take a look and see if there are flaws in the system that I have overlooked. Dismissing concerns and fears of the people will only create more fear and more distrust.

In good faith, I will have an investigation done into court rulings here in England to ensure that a grave miscarriage of justice has not been done and if it has, that we correct it as best we can.

[23 Feb 2020|01:59pm]
It is an honor bestowed upon those in power to judge those below them for it instills trust. Trust should never be violated for it breeds contempt and from there terrible things brew.

Perhaps they are unfounded claims as many have been yelling, but perhaps not. For the sake of the people, is it not better to investigate for their peace of mind?

[23 Feb 2020|02:45pm]
[Orion, Walburga, Regulus]
Apologies for the informality of using this messaging system but I feel it is imperative that we act quickly. The Prophet article is creating a fair amount of discourse and the head of our court system in England has already spoken out. To calm the public, I suggest an official statement from the crown as soon as possible offering to assist James Potter in his investigation.
I trust I don't need to tell any of you what a bad idea it would be to speak out about the Prophet article. Don't do it.

[23 Feb 2020|06:43pm]
With inflammatory journalism on the rise, it is important to remember that such things divide rather than unifying people. It's a sad day when a new source would rather bring strife into the world for money.

| Rabastan |
How do you want to handle this? Do you want me to speak with the prophet subtly?

[23 Feb 2020|07:58pm]
This is a friendly reminder to all visitors of the Royal Menagerie not to feed any of the creatures. Most especially Francine and Geraldine, the Knarls. This is the second time this month that they have torn up the entire garden area because they thought it was a trap when someone offered them food, and I am not an especially skilled gardener.

I'm going to get fired because people don't read signs.

[ viewing | February 23rd, 2020 ]
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