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October 16th, 2009

[info]queenmidalah in [info]jewlfantas_ooc

Hey look! A game wide plot!

Ongoing plot for a bit I am putting forth, since it's fairly open ended people can act/do what they want. Just no killing PCs unless you have their permission cause they want to drop them. So!


Those in Terreille who are Blood will sense a strong clash of Red and Black power. The Black feels slightly inexperienced like the person is not used to weilding it. You can tell it's feminine power by the psychic scent of it. The Red is much more tainted in scent whereas the Black is not.

Those who are not Blood. If you are magical, mutant, what have you... you will sense the power, but you are not sure *what* it is. You can sense the taint of something wrong from it as well.

Those who are not Blood and are standard humanoids, you will still sense the wrongness in the air.


Those in Kaeleer will have sensed the power emanating from Terreille as well, but do not know what is going on. Those at the Hall will notice that Tersa is gone. So are Vae and Wilhelmina.

Non-Blood will sense the "same" as those in Terreille, just more muted. For those Non-Blood humanoids with no other powers, it's almost like the sense of creepiness you feel when you make the statement someone has walked over your grave or you feel like someone is watching you.


Those in Hell with powers will feel a vibration in the air. Blood and Non-Blood both feel this. You don't sense the power quite as much as those in Terreille or even in Kaeleer, but you sense *something*.

Those who keep an eye on such things will note that there is an influx of demon dead activity, screams are heard from the island of the cildru dyathe and it appears those that claim allegiance to Hekatah are becoming bolder and are slightly increasing in numbers.

Go forth and plot to your hearts content. This is kinda coinciding with Halloween/Samhain being in a couple weeks. Hekatah was able to discover some of this information on these "odd holidays" as she sees it by decimating the mind of a NPC Non-Blood human that wound up here like the PCs have. Tersa, Vae and Wilhelmina's roles are going to be revealed as we go.

Have fun kiddies. :-D