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July 29th, 2009

[info]last_to_stand in [info]jewlfantas_ooc

Your lovely mod here, bringing in someone new. (As if I need more, right?)

I have been sitting on this character for about a month because I could not find a good PB for her. No one was jumping out at me. Now. I am not a fan of Twilight. I have no desire to see the movie whatsoever. However, I saw a picture of Ashley Greene that was taken at Comic-Con and when I saw it my brain went "That's Lia."

So I bring to you, straight from the end of The Invisible Ring just as she saw Jared standing beside her grandmother, Lady Arabella Ardelia, the Gray Jeweled future Queen of Dena Nehele.

Commence the freak out ;-)

[info]ladymidalah in [info]jewlfantas_ooc

Just a weird OOC note about Midalah SaDiablo here. I am not going to try (yet) to dabble in photoshop to photoshop her hair and eyes, but Midalah has white hair and her eyes are white with dark gray pupils and a pale, almost silvery, ring around the iris so there is a distinct separation between the iris and the white of her eye. Obviously her PB does not have this coloring. Heh. This is mostly a note for those in the dinner log right now since Midalah *is* in that log.