Jul. 22nd, 2009


Who: The Dark Court, The Nebulians and The Greek Deities
When: The proposed night, though I don't think I ever gave it a date
Where: SaDiablo Hall in Kaeleer
What: The dinner Jaenelle invited the Deities to.
Warnings: Going to say high. At least language will be high probably, but there could be violence depending on how things go. With the tempers many of the men have? Heh. Yeah.
Rating: Definitely R, will update if needed
Status: Way In Progress cause we know I am slow and Alida will only be able to check at night cause work keeps her way busy.

Writing Order and the Cast of Characters )

Jaenelle smoothed a lock of hair into place and wrinkled her nose. She never had liked dressing formally, regardless of the guests. This was no different. She sighed softly and slipped her necklace made of gold and silver in the shape of a web around her neck, the Ebony jewel shining in the light.

"Do you realize how gorgeous you are?" Daemon questioned, leaning against the frame of the door that separated the Consort's suite from the Queen's.

Jaenelle turned, giving him a soft look, her sapphire eyes dancing as she regarded him. "Not as gorgeous as you," she purred, practically gliding towards him.

Daemon stepped into the room and looped his arms around his wife. "If this were any other night, I would suggest skipping a meal with the family to have a private dining experience," he murmured, leaning in to nuzzle her neck in that special spot.

"Hm. But we can't," she said. "Come, my Prince. Our guests should be arriving soon. Beale dispatched a coach to pick them up at the Hall in Hell." Offering his arm, Daemon led his Queen out of her room to head to the foyer to greet their guests.

May. 7th, 2009


Who: Jaenelle Angelline, Scott Summers and Emma Frost (Don't be surprised if you also see Daemon Sadi, Lucivar Yaslana and Saetan SaDiablo at least)
When: After the latter two arrive.
What: Healer visit
Where: SaDiablo Hall in Kaeleer
Warnings: Nothing unless one of them curses
Status: In progress

As Jaenelle said, she sent a coach to them on the Red Winds, requesting on of her Fifth Circle to escort the newcomers to the Hall. Being the good Queen she was, she also sent a message to her Steward, First Escort, husband and Master of the Guard to let them know they would have some of the new arrivals showing up so that they would be aware of what was going on. She had a feeling she would end up in Saetan's office for a stern talking to for arranging this to occur at the Hall. Though with all the newcomers, Jaenelle felt it was better if they did come to the Hall. At least if something happened, everyone was right there to assist. Including the Nebulian SaDiablos. With so many dark Jeweled inhabitants, it would be beneficial.

Nov. 18th, 2008


When: Current
What: Nebulians finding their way to JF, at the club
Warnings: None so far.
Status::In Progress
Open to: Those from Nebula and Kaeleer and anyone who might be in the club

Telyn hurried toward the club. The Queen in Jeweled Fantasies. By the gods. And alive. ALIVE. But where was her husband, their children? Where they with her? Telyn had been so stunned, she hadn't thought to ask.

She hurried into the club, looking around. Queen Midalah had to be here somewhere.

Oct. 18th, 2008


Who: OTA
What: Working out, sparring
When/Where: Just after sunrise/In the workout area Jade provided
Warnings: None so far.

Lucivar stretched his wings out wide, enjoying the morning air. He held a mug of coffee in his hands, but didn't drink from it.

He paced out the area the Lady had been kind enough to let him use. This would do very nicely. Enough space for some to work out, with another area for those who'd rather spar. They'd have to make sure to take it easy on those who weren't used to this kind of a workout. Jaenelle would check on Alida and Rand, and D'Kahn, if he came down, Lucivar was sure. He shook his head, still amazed that the Nebulians were alive. He had never thought to see any of them again.

Everything was ready, not that there was much to get ready. He had enough practice sticks, and he was sure Rainier carried them - he had honed the man's fighting skills, after all - and thought perhaps Malonar would, also.

He folded his wings around him again. Now for the others and they could get started.

Aug. 29th, 2008


Who: OTA
What: Game-wide plot going boom.
When: Now
Where: Most of this is going to take place in the club itself
Warnings: Lots. Major violence, blood, gore, insanity, foul language. If you don't like the mental image of mangled bodies and husks of flesh, um... yes well what am I saying, it's our group!
Rating: Heavy R bordering into NC-17 for the amount of violence, gore, etc. Read the warnings, you'll understand!
Status: In Progress

When would people learn not to get in the way of a Warlord Prince and his Queen? )