Jj's fanfiction - A Narrative Disjointed; Or, How Spencer Smith Lost His Sanity and Learned Not To Worry About It
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for the life of me i can't castrate a cow posting in Jj's fanfiction
User: [info]jenish (posted by [info]fizzyblogic)
Date: 2007-08-16 13:59
Subject: A Narrative Disjointed; Or, How Spencer Smith Lost His Sanity and Learned Not To Worry About It
Security: Public
Tags:brendon/spencer, fandom:bands:patd

A Narrative Disjointed; Or, How Spencer Smith Lost His Sanity and Learned Not To Worry About It now lives at the link.

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User: [info]wordsaremyfaith.livejournal.com
Date: 2007-10-09 05:19 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

(Note: I am very slow as far as actually getting around to reading fic, especially fic I'm really looking forward to, so that's why you're just getting this comment now.)

Hi, I don't understand how you are so amazing all the time, Jay, I just finished reading this on the bus home and all I can think is, "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." This is seriously everything I want out of fic, ever, and I think maybe my life is complete now. I didn't even ship Brendon/Spencer that much. And now? Now all I want is to read fic about them forever.

This is just so perfect and so them and it makes my heart ache in such a lovely way. It's sweet in all the right ways, without crossing the line into unbelievably sappy, and I don't know how you make Spencer becoming a belt believable and realistic, but somehow, you did, and that's no small feat. And how much do I love Darren and Chris in this? Seriously, just, oh my god. I'm mentally flailing at you like crazy and my brain is basically just repeating BrendonSpencerRyanJon ad nauseum, which translates to "I love how you write them so, so much and I'm not going to lie, I want you to be happy in whatever fandom you're in, but if you never write them again I'll be really sad." I have a lump in my throat right now. I pretty much suck at feedback, but occasionally I attempt it anyway if the story moves me to and I happen to be in a feedback-y mood (also usually if I know the person who wrote it), so I hope that flailing at you ridiculously is good enough as far as letting you know that this is amazing and your Panic! fic just wins at everything, ever. Also that I love you to pieces and I love your writing TONS and, okay, I need to stop rambling at you now, but yes, memories for sure. ♥♥♥

(In case IJ screws up or something, this is Zoey.)

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for the life of me i can't castrate a cow: moon/sun otp
User: [info]fizzyblogic
Date: 2007-10-11 10:07 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)
Keyword:moon/sun otp

omg omg omg Zoey! This is the kind of feedback that makes me blush for a week and be all tingly for like a month. ajagbj;gjkg;jagkj thank you SO MUCH! I'm kind of proud of this one, to be honest, and to know that you like it so much is so wonderful. Thank you, my darling, for reading it and letting me know what you thought. ♥!!!

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User: [info]velvetjinx
Date: 2008-05-28 18:19 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

So I think I shall brave James's wrath and say that I might be a little in love with you for this fic.


And oh, hey, I found my IJ password so I can ACTUALLY leave feedback!! XD

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for the life of me i can't castrate a cow: *fistpump*
User: [info]fizzyblogic
Date: 2008-05-28 18:22 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

HAH, he'll be delighted XD

I am so pleased! Like! I can't stop grinning! <3333333!

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