June 8th, 2014

[info]jdficathonmod in [info]jd_ficathon

Ficathon 2014

Hello! This is a copy-and-paste of an entry Princessofgeeks posted to the Dreamwidth side of the comm. She and Sid are currently your new mods. :-)

Here is a link to the DW post, so you all can read the comments over there. ETA: And here is a link to the Livejournal entry.


Melayne Seahawk, who ran this ficathon for several years, has decided that last year, which was the tenth anniversary, would be her last.


She has handed over the comm to (so far) me; that is, PoG, and sid. And green_grrl has also agreed to help -- particulary along with sid on the LJ side. (I don't have a fannish LJ any more, so that is great.)

I for one want to find a way to reach out to the fans who read and post on Archive of Our Own but who may not visit DW or LJ much.

So please comment here with your ideas, with your preferred dates, your willingness to volunteer, etc.

I am thinking that the basic format of the ficathon would remain the same -- submission of prompts, and then matching everyone with a prompt. A one-for-one fic exchange.

I also would like to get this year's even rolling as soon as humanly possible. I do not want it to run past Halloween at the absolute latest, and if I am involved next year (which I hope to be) I want to open the prompt submission period in, like, early May. I prefer summer ficathons. Early fall and the Christmas season are next to impossible for me to meet deadlines other than work. But of course I would bow to the preferences of the group.

What do you think?

June 2014

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