Jul. 21st, 2018



[No Subject]

At least when dinosaurs were trying to kill me, I knew what to expect.

Jul. 20th, 2018



[No Subject]

This ain't no vacation, the sounds at night remind of a place and time I'd rather be forgetting.



text post: supergirl

I've been doing a lot of exploring, and I don't know what happened here but it is definitely not safe outside the city.



[No Subject]

Have to say the strange sounds in the middle of the night aren't exactly welcoming.

Jul. 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

I don't want to be here anymore! I want to go home. Except I don't really because there's some really messed up stuff going on there too. But my friends are all there. My dad. I miss my dad. I miss Scott and everyone. Except Malia. She's here, and that's great, but I wish Scott was here too. He'd know what to do.

Jul. 15th, 2018



[No Subject]

I was pretty sure the fall into the Abyss was kind of a permanent endgame thing. But lookie here, I'm on Shadow Earth. Fantastic. I mean, I know the Abyss is kind of neverending, soooooo how am I here?

Jul. 14th, 2018



[No Subject]

I don’t know what’s going on but it better be temporary.

Jul. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]

Someone better start talking right now.



[No Subject]

Everything about this place feels wrong.



[No Subject]

- No longer in LA
- A deserved vacation from dealing with Masque
- No magically-created bad guys?
- I have my bow
- I have my arrows
- There's a goddamn Target (that place can survive anything right?)
- A break from trying to make sure rent gets paid
- No longer in LA
- Clint is now on his own
- I don't have Lucky
- Detective Rivera is going to have withdraw from Kate Bishop
- Johnny has powers?
- Ramone is going to totally have my car towed
Go you, Pros. Actually outweighing the Cons this time around. Have a gold star.



[No Subject]

Who: Emery and OPEN
What: Arrival
Where: Outside Madewell's
Warnings: TBD
Status: OPEN

When he opened his eyes, his first thought was that it was bright. Very bright.

"The curtains, Jonto," he muttered as he pushed himself up. Then he blinked. And blinked again. At first, he searched his body for a mirror. Surely another magician had transported him to this place. But he felt no trace of it. Nor did he see any water that he could have been pulled out of.

He stood, glancing over his shoulder in suspicion. Surely he was under threat but from what? And where? His eyes quietly narrowed as he stared out at the remnants of what might once have been a park or a strange forest. There was dry green under his feet and tall trees nearby, their bark in thick streets where it hadn't been stripped away, their leaves as sharp as daggers. He stepped gingerly out onto the road, then winced as the asphalt hit his bare feet.

"Hot." Stepping back onto the grass, he edged his way to the shade. The buildings in this place--at least he believed they were buildings--were clustered with windows on every side. Such wealth in this place, he thought to himself as he found the nearest wall and pressed his back against it. But why am I here? His next thought was I ought to find a haven. Somewhere to hide.



[No Subject]

I don't think I'm in California anymore.



[No Subject]

Um, excuse me? While I'm no stranger to weird shit, this is really taking the cake today. Where the fuck am I?



[No Subject]

Who: Gamora and OPEN
What: Arrival
Where: Near the hotel
Warnings: TBD
Status: OPEN

Read more... )



posted as Supergirl

So...I'm not quite sure what we're dealing with here, but I'm gonna figure it out.



[No Subject]

Okay...um...this is weird.