Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

Mod Announcement: The rules

Four Main Rules for this community:

1) First and foremost: Respect the couple and respect the others in the comm.!
If I see any Janto, individual character, homosexuality, or personal bashing you will be tossed and reported. You’ve got a right to disagree with someone but you’ve also got a right to exercise a little self-control and not make different opinions personal attacks. Discussion is encouraged but there will be no flaming or bashing. Period.

2) All adult content needs to be CLEARLY labeled and BEHIND a cut-tag.
Hopefully we’ll get a wide range of people here and I want to make sure no one comes across something they shouldn’t. Also, this applies to “non work safe” images—please label!

3) Treat ALL new episode/rumor information as SPOILERS* and INDICATE what it is.
As much as I love my boys, I don’t want to know what’s going to happen in the next episode until I watch it for myself and I know that goes for much of the majority. There will be indicated pages posted for discussions if you wish to talk about rumors (or spoilers, if you see it before others) on each episode that airs.

4) Please put artwork and information and fanfics behind a cut if it’s a lengthy post to save on others’ loading time.
Not everyone has the advantage of having the fastest connection in the world. If you have icons to share, please limit to four visible icons and put the rest behind cut-tags. If you have works of art, please don’t post the full image unless it’s behind a cut-tag.

* Spoilers consist of any episode information that has NOT been shown on BBC 3 AND BBC America.

Any questions at all, please leave a comment here or you may contact me through email: reddsummers [@] yahoo.com -or- reddsummers [@] gmail.com

x Redd
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