Sep. 5th, 2007


26 icons from the tv series 24

These icons were requested by [info]conniecat

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1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
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19 20 21
22 23 24
25 26

Sep. 4th, 2007


8 icons

enjoy them.

1. Tony Dinozzo and Tim McGee from the Sylum Universe by [info]bjjones
2. Pirates of the Caribbean from World's End
3. Orlando and Denise/Dennis for [info]cynegyth
4. X-Files Mulder and Krycek
5. X-Files Alex and Fox (aka Nick Lea and David Duchovny
6. Karl Urban and Eric Bana
7. Frank Hopkins and Sean Bean's character from The Big Empty
8. Aragorn and Lord Celeborn from Lord of the Rings


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Sylum Clan icons

Since I have been enjoying reading the Sylum Clan Series by [info]bjjones. I decided to try my hand at making some icons of some of the members and such from the different Clans in that series.

Sylum Clan Series can be found here..

Sylum is a major crossover between CSI, CSI: Miami, and NCIS. Those are the main focus and will always be in the main story line (Sylum Clan) with in the universe are a large amount of appearances from other fandoms. For example - Blade, Riddick, Young Riders, 24.... yes folks even Harry Potter. The characters that are in the story may not be in their fandom. For example - Riddick is a hunter but isn't in the world seen in Pitch Black.. or Harry is 2nd in command of Camelot but he's not a wizard. All are vampires or mortal depending on who when.

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1. Van Helsing Sylum Clan
2. Ardeth Bey Medjai Clan
3. Angel Sanctuary Clan
4. Jack Sparrow/Will Turner Sanctuary Clan
5. Spike Sanctuary Clan
6. Vachon Sanctuary Clan
7. Frank Hopkins Medjai Clan
8. Vaako Medjai Clan
9. Ichabod Crane Sylum Clan
10. Kirill The Council

001 002 003
004 005 006
007 008 009
010 011 012

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