Oct. 7th, 2012


Naked Emotional Chat Time

Because this was one of the first pictures on Google when I searched 'naked chat'.
Also, this is a forever meme. Throw in a character, tag someone else up, do whatever. The only rules are:

+ There must be nudity.
+ There must be an emotional chat about some topic.

Be warned for possible smut, idgaf. Alcohol might be involved.

Jan. 29th, 2012


Pride and Lack of Prejudice

Charles stands outside the large house, looking up at it curiously. A moment ago, he was in his own time, his own world if you will, talking with another mutant about their abilities.

Which happened to kick in before Charles could stop them.

It would seem he is stuck here for the moment. It's obvious this is not 1962, he can tell that from the covered carts and buggies pulling up to the front of the house. It's dusk but inside the house its bright and cheery, he can see people in fancy dress moving in time to music.

Having nowhere else to go, Charles strolls up to the front to see if he can get in. He's not on the list but a tweak of the man's mind at the door fixes that.

He stands in the double doorway for a moment, watching the dance with a smile on his face. This was pretty amazing. He may look slightly underdressed with his tweed suit, blue shirt, and trousers, but he didn't care. Who would pass up an opportunity like this?

Jul. 26th, 2011


Melon's Preferences

General )

Jul. 25th, 2011


The 'CALL ME OUT' Post

The 'CALL ME OUT' Post

* Here's where you can call out any of my characters on IJ. List is a WIP and if I have a muse over on LJ, you can call them out here too.
* State the character you're calling out in the subject line, plz.
* ANYTHING GOES. Fluff threads, alternate universe threads, smut threads, whatever. Anything you're in the mood to play out with me, go for it.


Melon's Muse List