October 2013


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Sep. 11th, 2013



Who: Elena and OTA
Where: Bar in town
What: Getting a drink or a few
When: Now.
Rating: TBA
Open: Yep.

Whiskey is in the air. )

Sep. 3rd, 2013



characters: lydia and derek
setting: out and about in town, around dusk
summary: lydia runs into derek again for the first time since their fight about allison
rating/warnings: tbd
status: in progress | closed

Lydia now knew what she was, but she didn't know exactly how it applied to her. )

Aug. 27th, 2013



Who: Max and Alec
Where: Alec's place
When: After their net conversation
What: Sparring. It's all good fun, right?
Rating: Probably high.
Status: Closed (Unless you can think of a good reason to be there ;))

One time was never enough )

Aug. 25th, 2013



characters: lydia martin and [OPEN] or narrative
setting: the island, around dusk
summary: lydia takes a nasty fall and remembers what happened at home
rating/warnings: tbd
status: in progress or complete if someone doesn't tag

She must have been in some kind of daze or something, because she realized she'd walked a lot further from the townhouses than she had planned. )

Aug. 23rd, 2013



Who: Derek and Lydia
Where: Outside
What: She's playing hostess.
When: Now
Rating: Med - swearing.
Open: Yep - no hugs Stilies, he means it.
Notes: Poke Ams or me before hopping in, please.

Was leaving, but now stuck on an island with them? FML )

Aug. 22nd, 2013



Who: Mae and OTA
Where: Front yard of where she resides.
What: Cooling down from running.
When: Now
Rating: Med
Open: Yes

In the zone where the beat is un-controlled. I know what it feels like )

Aug. 10th, 2013



Who: Scud
What: Hanging out.
Where: The beach
When: August 10th; late morning
Rating: TBA
Status: Open / Incomplete

And I don't know what it is about you )

Aug. 6th, 2013



Who: Elle and Dean
Where: The beach.
What: A storm is brewing between them and SHARK week
When: Now.
Rating: High
Open: Sure, but let the fight get started.

Sometimes love is war )

Aug. 4th, 2013



Who: Melissa and Emily
Where: Verdant
What: Meeting up finally.
When: After their net conversation
Status: Closed
Rating: TBD

tonight would be perfect. )

Aug. 3rd, 2013



WHO: Bonnie Bennett and Klaus Mikaelson [info]howeverlong
WHERE: Her townhouse
WHEN: After her net conversation with him.
WHAT: Meeting up.
STATUS: Closed.
RATING: Possibly high.

witches didn't fall in love. at least, not bonnie bennett. )

Aug. 2nd, 2013



Who: Alec and Max
What: Probably majorly making out and maybe other things...
Where: Max is in town right now, but it could change
When: After their net conversation
Status: Closed

she didn't want just anyone either. )

Jul. 25th, 2013



Who: Elle Bishop and Jeremiah Cassidy
Where: Verdant
What: Dancing, it's her birthday
When: Backdated to last night
Rating: TBD!

I'm falling to pieces, but i need this )

Jul. 21st, 2013



Who: Laurel and Thea (ihadnoone)
Where: Inside Verdant
What: They broke in, okay?
When: Backdated to this.
Rating: TBA
Open: Yes, Oliver, Felicity, just give us a few tags.

The Hardy sisters )

Jul. 15th, 2013



Who: Alec and Max
Where: Meet up city.
When: Tonight
What: Meeting up. Verbal swiping at each other? Definitely.
Status: Closed.

And there was no sign of him. )



Who: Laurel and Elijah
Where: On the street
What: Laurel walking around
When: Now
Rating: Low
Open: Sure.

. )



Who: Faith Lehane and OTA
Where: Beach
What: Just keep swimming
When: Now
Rating: TBD - but she's naked.
Open: Yep

Everyone has flaws on the inside. )

Jul. 13th, 2013



Who: Elena Gilbert and OTA
Where: The beach
What: Thinking.
When: After her network conversations.

I don't care )



Who: Allison, Lydia, and Stiles
Where: Outside of the rain forest
What: Wolf training and hunter training for Allison.
When: Now.
Rating: High - I'm sure Stiles will get mouth
Open: Sure!

Here we are )

Jul. 11th, 2013



Who: Mae and OTA
Where: Beach
What: Running
When: Now
Rating: Med
Open: Yes

There's a hole in me. )

Jul. 9th, 2013



Who: Thea and OTA
What: Exploring the island
When: An afternoon
Where: The rain forest
Status: In progress
Rating: Low

I hate this place )