Irreparable RPG OOC

November 16th, 2010

Irreparable RPG OOC


November 16th, 2010

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I wanted to give you all a head's up that my computer is in the shop. Hence the reason why I've been very sparse since some time last week. My computer time is limited, though still available as my husband lets me use his laptop. I can't do graphics, I can't get the hang of using the darn apple key, I don't have my LJ login function, and I can't steal it and stay on it for a whole evening (especially because the battery life isn't great, the chord isn't long, and I don't want to camp on the floor near the charger.)

That said, I will still reply to any email notifications I get. If you need a thread with me, comment here after you post it up and I'll track it down. It just makes it hard to stay online long hours for a back and forth or to keep as vigilant an eye on the IC as I usually do. I will get to any tags I get notifications of!


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I'm so sorry to do this guys, but I'm going to have to drop Lavender. I love this game so much, but my health problems combined with school stuff have turned out to be more of a problem then I thought and I don't have time at the moment. I'll miss all of you guys!

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