Irreparable RPG OOC

August 14th, 2010

Irreparable RPG OOC


August 14th, 2010

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Hey all, I wanted to apologize for not being around much. After tomorrow/Monday, I should be around a lot more. I'm running the Falmouth Road Race tomorrow, which is a 7.2 mile race an I'm trying to get in the mindset by not being on my computer that much. (I've even put playing at my own game on hold until after tomorrow.)

I really like this game so I don't want to drop. I promise that I'll get in full swing as soon as Monday rolls around.

If anyone has some ideas for how I can get Luna more into the game, that would be awesome. But if not, expect lots of IMs from me on Monday, because I'll likely be trying to brainstorm her plots while I'm in pain running to keep me distracted. XD

Alissa (Luna)

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