Irreparable RPG OOC

June 10th, 2010

Irreparable RPG OOC


June 10th, 2010

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Missy, I'll be around 5/4c time, but right now I have to go fight traffic into the city. I do wanna thread with Miles, though. Backdate to yesterday.

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Hermione and Oliver made plans to have dinner together, because Oliver wanted to take out Hermione and Ron to celebrate their nuptials. Uh... so we figured it could be kinda like a double date with Hermione and Ron, and Oliver and Verity (OliVer... get it? XD), if that's okay with you, Alpha. I figured I'd leave you a note here since I haven't seen you on AIM to talk to you about it. <3

If you can think of anything (aside from friendly dinner conversation and good food) that should have happened, please comment and we can totally plot it out. ^^ Also, if you want to do a R/Hr thread for after dinner, I'm totally down. ^^
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