Irreparable RPG OOC

May 4th, 2010

Irreparable RPG OOC


May 4th, 2010

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I don't know who all else has "CDJ"s or whatever... I have a RP/Writing journal that I'm gonna try and keep better updated... and thought if anyone wants to friend me, you can. ^^ There's a meme up in there, and some really really old stuff, and a current character list... and if anyone wants to do any plotting or whatnot... I can be reached there (or aim or e-mail...)... I'm just hoping it'll help keep me more organized. ^^

Anyway, it's [info]diademthief.

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Missy? Kaitee? Gail? Could someone please post the dinner/dance thread? I'm on set filming and will be the rest of the day. Ran out of time and didn't have a chance to post.

Missy - assume Oliver picked up Verity from her flat before going to meet at Percy's. He probably brought her a flower too ;-P
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